What A Trip.

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"Make a Star Trek refere-" Katsuki put his hand over his mouth

He felt his lunch coming up, but kept it down... Barely.

"That was horrible." Izuku held his stomach feeling a little nauseous

"Are you okay Yukino?" Izuku to the little boy

"Yep." Yukino answered

"Looks like we're right in front of the school, but are we here at the right time?" Izuku looked up and down the street

"It looks like it's pretty early in the day, maybe some of the teachers are here." Katsuki still felt nauseous

"We can ask them if they've seen Toshichan." Izuku said

"You read my mind." Katsuki said

"Come on Yukichan wanna meet All Might?" Izuku asked the child

"All Might's here?" Yukino asked

"If we're here in the right time, yes and I bet he'd love to meet you." Izuku said

They walked in the building.

"Heh, This is going to shock the hell out of our old teachers. Or present teachers?... Whatever." Katsuki muttered walking slow for a second

"You remember where the teachers lounge is?" Katsuki asked as he caught up to Izuku and Yukino

"Kacchan, we teach at this school and it's been in the same place forever." Izuku answered

"I know I was just joking don't get your boxers in a damn wad!" Katsuki said

Izuku put Yukino down because he was tired of carrying him.

"There it is." Izuku headed towards the door as Yukino held his hand

"Deku wait! We need to be careful. In every time travel movie or show, if you're not care shit goes south real quick. I don't want our future to be in flames or somethin when we get back." Katsuki stopped him

"You're right, but I don't think Toshi's quirk will affect the future like that. Let's not just be careful." Izuku opened the door

"Guess it doesn't matter now." Katsuki muttered

"You could knock first." Aizawa was laying on the floor in the back not getting out of his sleeping bag

"Young... Midoriya?" All Might was confused

Izuku immediately went to hug All Might.
"All Might!"

"Oh my." Midnight smirked

"This is strange." Thirteen noticed the two looked quite different

Izuku let go of All Might.
"S- Sorry." He laughed awkwardly then returned to his spot beside Katsuki

"Eraser get out of the snoozin' bag, you might wanna see our unexpected listeners!" Present Mic nudged the sleeping bag with his foot

"Ugh, what?" Aizawa got up

He looked at Izuku, then Katsuki, and a lastly the child who looked like a direct hybrid of the two.

"What are you two doing here this early, why are you older, and who's child is that?" Aizawa kind of already figured out the answer to his last question, but asked anyway

"We k- kinda time traveled. We thought our little girl might've come here." Izuku felt a little embarrassed

Yukino was looking around as he stood near Katsuki.

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