Returning home.

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~You can read the next book if you want. It's called "I... I like Kacchan!" it's a continuation of this book.~

Toshi and Yukino were playing outside.
They were running around and pretending to be Pro Heroes.

Toshi got bored sat down on the grass.

She suddenly looked sad.

"What's wrong?" Yukino asked as he walked to her

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You sound like dad." Yukino sat beside her

"I know." Toshi laid down on the grass

"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm here if you want to." Yukino offered

"You sound like daddy." Toshi giggled

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Yukino nudge her arm

"I don't want to worry you Ototo-kun."

"We're the same age and what's the point in keeping it to yourself. I can't help if you do that."

Though they were five minutes apart Toshi likes to pretend she's older.

The two were also very intelligent for their age. They're actually at the top of their class.

Toshi exhaled. She knew he would understand and she trusted her "little" brother.

"I- I'm worried." Toshi said

"Worried about what?" Yukino decided to lay down too

They both were looking up at the beautiful orange afternoon sky.

"... Not getting us home. What if we never get home?" Toshi's voice started to break

"I doubt that will happen. Our family is too determined to let a setback like this stop us." Yukino looked over at his sister

"I don't want to disappoint dad and daddy." Toshi said

"I don't think anything we do would disappoint them. Unless we became villains, that might upset them." Yukino joked

Toshi giggled.
"You're funny Yukichan. But I'm afraid if I can't use my quirk we'll be stuck here... forever."

"Harechan your quirk is cool and will be really useful unlike mine. I don't think you should worry that much." Yukino told her

"What do you mean unlike yours?" Toshi asked as she sat up

"I have an accelerator and an explosion quirk. All I can do is run fast and make small explosions. I can't even make big ones like dad and I can't run as fast as uncle Tenya or daddy when he uses OFA." Yukino sat up too

"Yukino!" Toshi hugged him

"Your quirks are just as useful as mine don't let anyone tell you different. Is someone telling you they aren't! Is someone bullying you? You better tell me their names so I can kick their butts!" Toshi released Yukino from her grip and clenched her fists

"No ones bullying me calm down." Yukino rolled his eyes

"Oh well they better not. Hey listen at least you also have better control over your quirks than I do." Toshi said

An idea popped into Yukino's head.

"Then why don't we practice right now?" Yukino suggested

"Out here?" Toshi tilted her head

"There's no one around but us, so no one can get hurt right?" Yukino stood up

"Yea, let's try using our quirks!" Toshi stood up

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