Who's here?

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It was a new day. Midoriya, Bakugou, and Toshi had just ventured down stairs after they brushed their teeth. Respectively of course.

Toshi was talking to some of the other students. Midoriya was leaning against the wall watching seemingly nothing. He was just listening to Toshi talk to the others. Bakugou was standing near him, but not against the wall. He was keeping an eye on who Toshi was talking to.

At some point a few of the students thought it would be fun to play tag and Toshi wanted to play.

There was a lot of running going on, but Midoriya and Bakugou didn't join this time.

Toshi came running passed the two and bumped in to Bakugou.

"Sorry!" she said as she kept running

Bakugou was in the Kabedon stance with Midoriya against the wall.

He didn't notice at first and was fixing to yell at Toshi, but Midoriya noticed.

(So close. Too close!) Midoriya thought as a blush crept up his cheeks

Bakugou looked at Midoriya seeing the panic in his eyes he realizing the position they were in, but when he was going to move, along came Kirishima "accidentally" pushing Bakugou.

His face landed on Midoriya's in an unexpected kiss. They both freaked out. Bakugou quickly moved away.

"DAMNIT HAIR FOR BRAINS!" Bakugou yelled chasing him

Midoriya touched his lips as he slid down the wall into a seated position.

"Uh, did Bakugou just kiss Midoriya?" Sero asked

"We just witnessed the act." Tokoyami said

"You think he has feelings for him?" Sato asked

"Or the other way around?" Koda said very quietly

"Wonder which one liked it more?" Jirou smirked

Midoriya's face was burning and his mind was racing.

Uraraka had to hit him to snap him out the muttering loop he was in.


*Wack* Uraraka karate chopped his head

"Hey what was that for?" Midoriya rubbed the spot

"Your own good." Uraraka crossed her arms

Bakugou was pretty embarrassed, but would never show it.

(I can't believe I kissed that Shitty Nerd! He didn't even get mad and I liked it! Why? Why? Why?!) Bakugou knew why though

He kept chasing Kirishima.

Suddenly all their phones dinged.

{Aizawa Sensei.}- No class today. I have visitors that need to pick up something. I'll be over to talk to you in a few minutes.

Midoriya read the message and quickly tired to forget the earlier incident.

"What do you think Aizawa Sensei wants to talk to us about?" Midoriya asked Uraraka

"Help Deku, Kacchan's gonna get me!" Toshi jumped into Midoriya's arms giggling

Midoriya was confused at first, but held her tightly as Bakugou stomped into view.

"Eep!" Toshi ducked for cover

"Damn brat you're lucky Deku has you and the fact that your a kid. Otherwise, I'd kil- severely hurt you." Bakugou pointed at her

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