Dream a Little Dream of White Cream.

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Bakugou stood outside Midoriya's room, feeling like his heart was about to pump out of his chest as glared a hole in the floor.

"Baku... b- ro?" Kirishima stopped midway down the hallway from Mineta's room

He borrowed a book from Kaminari and Kirishima was getting it back for him.

Kirishima saw Bakugou, but noticed something strange about him.

When Bakugou looked up at him, he saw utter confusion on his face. It was only a split second then it was back to his regular scowl. It was there though.

"Hey, you okay?" Kirishima had a look of concern on his face as he approached the other

"I'm fine." Bakugou gritted his teeth as he walked towards the elevator

"You're so lying right now, come on tell me. You can trust me. Promise I won't tell anyone you don't want me to." Kirishima begged for a broment as they get on the elevator

"N- no!" Bakugou hit the button for his floor

"Did you just, stutter?" Kirishima questioned

"No! I didn't stutter you bastard!" Bakugou shoves his fist in his pockets

"Uh, yea you did, man." Kirishima said patting him on the back of his shoulder

"Leave me alone." Bakugou said quietly

"Bakugou, I'm your friend. There's no way I'm leaving you alone." Kirishima said sincere as they excited the elevator

"You're just as annoying as Deku." Bakugou opened his door and they entered the room

Bakugou plopped on his bed as Kirishima shut his door so they could talk.

"There's obviously something wrong." Kirishima said observing Bakugou laying face down on his bed

"I've never been better Shitty Hair!" Bakugou said into his mattress

"C'mon, tell papa Kiri what's wrong." Kirishima said

"Never say that again... If I tell you will you leave me alone?" Bakugou said into his mattress again

"Yes." Kirishima answered

Maybe Bakugou has finally realized it? Nah, Kirishima doubts it.

"I don't know how to explain it." Bakugou lifted himself up

"Do your best bro." Kirishima encouraged Bakugou

"You're just gonna laugh at me Hair for Brains." Bakugou said

"I might if you keep insulting my awesome hair." Kirishima crossed his arms, leaning back in Bakugou's computer chair

"Never mind it's not worth it." Bakugou laid back down

"Fine. You can diss my hair all you want, just tell me what's wrong, man." Kirishima wanted to know

Bakugou sighed trying to find the right words.

Once he did turned his head to the side so his voice wouldn't be muffled by the mattress.
"My heart beats really fast for no reason, my face heats up, and It it's been happening for a while, but makes me really irritated." Bakugou said

"That sounds like you're mad or angry like you usually are." Kirishima spun around in the computer chair

"No, this is different. Maybe, I don't know!" Bakugou turned his head back pressing his face into the mattress

"Does... this happen when you're around anyone, maybe a specific person?" Kirishima was curious as he stopped spinning

Bakugou paused before he answered as he sat up.

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