Bakugou's Nightmare.

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Midoriya knocked on his door like he always does now.

No reply-

"Hm, That's strange." Midoriya opened the door and walked in

(Oh he's asleep.) Midoriya saw Bakugou on the bed

Midoriya sat the two bowls on his desk.

(Should I wake him up? What if he's really tired and needs rest? But what if he's hungry? I'll just wake him up and ask. If he says no then he can go back to sleep, if he says yes then he has food to eat. But I also don't want to get yelled at. What to do?)

Midoriya walked over to Bakugou.

(There's that peaceful look again. He's so mean when he's awake, but when he's asleep his face is kinda... cute. No I shouldn't be thinking like that, Kacchan hates me.)

Midoriya got on his knees and sat on the back of his legs and feet.

He looked at Bakugou once more before waking him up. He noticed Bakugou's left hand was hanging off the side of the bed a little. Midoryia reached his right hand to place it in Bakugou's.

(What am I doing? He could wake up any minute. He'll think I'm a creep! I mean this is exactly what a creep would do, let's just remove my hand and never say we did this. His hand is warm and inviting though. Surprisingly soft, wonder if that's from the nitroglycerine? Can that make your skin soft? I should look it up.)

Midoriya removed his hand from Bakugou's, well tried.

"Stupid Deku." Bakugou mumbled and squeezed his left hand

Midoriya nearly screamed, but he slapped his other hand over his mouth and his whole body froze.

(Omg, omg, omg, I'm so dead! He's going to kill me. Forgive me All Might for I have sinned. Dear Heavenly Aizawa Sensei I promise I will never do anything like this if you let me live.) Midoriya's mind was racing

He thought Bakugou was waking up, but he didn't.

(Wait he said my name? Is, is he dreaming about me? Why would he be dreaming about me? N- no, there's no way! Ah, we're still holding hands I need to escape!)

Midoriya tried to get his hand loose, carefully moving his hand until he got it completely away from Bakugou's.

(Finally! Okay now I just need to wake him up. That was so scary.)

"Kacchan?" Midoriya shook his shoulder lightly

" 'Im sorry." Bakugou mumbled almost inaudible

(Sorry? Why would Kacchan be sorry? He's never sorry... about anything.) Midoriya frowned

"Kacchan, wake up." Midoriya tried again

"Don't leave me." Bakugou mumbled again

(He must be having a strange dream. Who he's talking too?)

"Kacchan wake up!" Midoriya said louder

"No, leave him alone!" Bakugou was a little louder this time his face looked angry again

(He's having an nightmare.)

"Kacchan wake up, please!" Midoriya shook him harder

Bakugou woke up this time. Midoriya saw panic in his eyes.

"Kacchan are you okay?!" Midoriya was worried about him

The panic was quickly replaced with the usual scowl Bakugou had.

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