Part 1: He Learns The Truth | Original Story

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Chapter is edited

(Katsuki POV)

Damn it! Deku somehow got into UA! I was suppose to finally get away from that nerd! No, I have to deal with him for another three years! Ugh, I storm into the school for the second day. I enter the classroom late as always, the damn nerd isn't here.

Every other month for the last two years of middle school. Deku would be gone for a week. Does he get sick easily or some shit? I don't understand...and I don't want to know! I bet this is just like middle school, he's not going to be here for an entire week. I sit down at my desk which is in front of the nerd's desk. Mr. Aizawa carries on with the stupid class he was teaching.

The day finally ends and I make my way home. On the way to my house, I pass the nerd's house. I stop and stare at it, I debate in my head whether to go up to it or just go home. I shake my head no and begin to walk home again.

But I stop again, I smell something. Something sweet and strong, I turn around to look at the nerd's house again. Is the smell coming from there? What the hell is aunt Inko cooking in there? I begin walking home again, once I get into my house I slam the door shut while locking it behind me. "Katsuki! How many times do I have to tell you not to slam the front door!" I hear the old hag yell from the kitchen.

"Whatever! I'm having dinner than spending the rest of the night in my room! WITHOUT anyone bothering me!" I yell while going upstairs. I go into my room and put my bag away while changing out of my uniform.

I walk downstairs and sit at the table, the old hag puts a plate of curry in front of me and my father. I quickly eat the food then storm off to my room, I slam my bedroom door shut. "Katsuki! Quit slamming doors!" I hear the old hag yell from downstairs.

I ignore her and lay on my bed, I look up at the ceiling. Why was such a sweet smell coming from Deku's house? Was it Inko's cooking? I've never smelt food like that though. Ugh! Why am I thinking this right now? Why am I thinking about Deku? Ugh, that damn nerd is plaguing my brain! I punch my pillow and decide to do some studying.

*Three days pass, it's Saturday now* (I'm lazy, I'm sorry🙁)

It's finally the weekend, I sleep in until eleven in the morning. Once I wake up I make myself an omelette for breakfast. While eating Deku gets in my head again, damn nerd. I clean up my dishes and leave the house.

What the fuck am I doing? I'm going to fucking Deku's place because I'm...worried? I get to his house and knock on his door, Inko answers. "Katsuki, sweetie. What are you doing here?" Inko says letting me in the house.

"De-Izuku hasn't been to school for three days. Just...checking on him, since this has been going on since middle school," I say to Inko.

"Oh, well...he's just sick sweetie. He gets sick easily, would you like some tea?"


Inko goes into the kitchen and I smell that sweet scent again, but stronger. I hear Deku walk down the stairs slowly. When he gets to the last stair I see him wince in pain and fall over. I quickly take my shoes off and run to catch him, I make it. Deku's eyes widen as he gets up off of me, "Kacchan?! W-what are you doing here?" he asks me.

"No reason," I say standing up and going to sit down on the couch.

Deku comes over and sits near me, Inko comes in with a tray of tea, she sets it down on the coffee table. She turns to Deku, "Izuku honey, you shouldn't be down here in this condition," Inko says.

"I'm fine, mom. Mind letting me and Kacchan speak alone?" Deku asks.

"Sure, just yell if you need me."

Inko goes upstairs and leave me with Deku. I turn to look at him, he looks very... uncomfortable. He curls up into a ball on the couch and I smell the sweet scent again. "Oi, Deku. Is your mom cooking anything?" I ask.

"No, why?" He responds.

"It smells so... sweet in here."

Deku shifts a little making the scent go away. I look at him with a raised eyebrow, "Deku, are you hiding something?" I ask. He doesn't respond but looks like he's in a lot of pain. I stand up in front of him, I grab his legs and remove them from his body. "Tell me, Izuku," I try to demand out of him.

He looks at me in shock for using his full name. He then looks down and doesn't look me in the eyes, instead, he is looking at his fidgety hands. I sigh which makes him jump a little, he winces in pain I sit down beside him. "You're not sick are you?" I ask.

He just shakes his head no, "are you injured?" I ask. He shakes his head no again, I groan but he came out more like a growl than a groan. It scares Deku making him jump and wince in pain again, "sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to growl," I sigh waving a little.

He looks at me like I just said the impossible, "yes, I just said sorry. Deal with it," I tell him. He starts to mumble to himself, I try to figure out what he's saying but give up. I wait until he finishes mumbling, in the meantime, I lay my head back on the couch and look up at the ceiling. "K-Kacchan?" he asks.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"What do you think I am? Alpha, beta, or omega?"

"That's a silly question, you're a beta right?"

"No, I'm not Kacchan."

"Wait?! Then what are you?"

"Kacchan, I'm"

Hello! Thank you so much for reading the first part of this story! If there are any errors anywhere in the story or even in this small paragraph feel free to comment on the error. If I have any information wrong please tell me that too. I hope you like this so far and will carry on reading, thanks!

Updated A/N: So this chapter of the original story has now been edited. I hope that when I start the new story you'll continue to read this. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word Count: 1111

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