Part 14: A Chat With Aunt Inko

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I take a deep breath, I'm hoping that everything goes the way it's suppose to. I knock on the Midoriya household's front door, I patiently wait for aunt Inko to answer. She opens the door and smiles at me, "Katsuki, what a pleasant surprise. Izuku just left with a friend-" she begins to say but I cut her off.

"I'm actually here to see you, aunt Inko," I tell her as she nods and opens the door more to let me inside.

"What brings you to see me?" she asks as I take my shoes off and follow her into the house. "Would you like some tea?" she asks as I sit on the couch.

"I came to talk to you about Izuku, and I don't need any tea but thank you," I tell her as she sits down and nods signalling me to go on. "I'm not sure if Izuku has told you or not but I am connected to Izuku by the red string of fate," I tell her as her eyes widen a bit.

"You and Izuku have the red string tied between you two?" she asks to clarify what I just told her.

"Yes, that's right," I tell her as she nods with a smile.

"I'm glad it's you, I can see you care a lot for Izuku," she says smiling more which now looks like Izuku's bright smile.

"Well, thank you. But right now there is a problem, I have a question for you if you don't mind me asking?" I ask her as she nods to go on. "Does double red run in your family or in Izuku's dad's family?" I ask her as she thinks.

"I believe it ran in Hisashi's family, why do you ask?" she asks raising her eyebrow a bit.

"Um... you see at the sports festival Izuku found out he got a second string and it's with that guy he's with," I tell her as her eyes go completely wide.

"Oh my, you should talk to him about this," she says with a bit of worry in her tone.

"No, no, no. I can't he won't believe me, he'll believe you though. I don't know how you can bring it up with him but he should know," I tell her as she nods in agreement.

"I have a question for you now, Katsuki," she says as I nod for her to go on. "Do you like Izuku?"

I look at her and look down at my hands, "I do," I tell her. "But when he found the second string do you want to know what he told me to do?"

"What?" she asks as she leans forward towards me.

"He told me to cut the string so I don't have to be burdened with him any longer," I tell her as she frowns.

"He said that? I'm sorry dear, that must be hard on you," she says as she stands up and walks over to me. She sits beside me and gives me a big hug, I hug her back because it feels comforting in her arms.

"It's alright aunt Inko, I just want Izuku to know the truth about what's going on with the strings. I had double red too," I tell her as she just nods.

"That's very kind of you, Katsuki. I'll tell Izuku tonight, after I'll have him call you since you have experienced it already," she says as she let's go from the hug.

"Thank you and do you know everything about double red?" I ask as I stand up.

"I do, Hisashi told me all about it after we started dating years ago," she says as she follows me to the front door.

"Ok, well thank you for taking some time to listen to what I had to say," I tell her as I put my shoes on.

"It's no problem, I should be thanking you for telling me all of this. Oh and I won't tell Izuku that you told me about this," she says as I open the door.

"Thanks a lot, aunt Inko. I'll see you again," I say to her as she smiles.

"Of course, dear. Bye now," she says as I leave. I sigh in relief, I finally told her and everything went perfectly. I walk home feeling like a little weight came off my shoulders, but the heaviest one hasn't left yet.

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