Part 3: Polaroid One | Two Strings?

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What the fuck did the stupid nerd mean on Saturday? It's Monday and I still have no fucking clue, this is driving me nuts! No, no, no. DEKU IS DRIVING ME NUTS! He keeps looking at me in the corner of his eye while talking to the stupid extras in the class. I have a serious urge to blow his fucking face off!

The bell rings signalling that it's lunchtime now, I stand up only to feel my shirt tugged on. I turn around ready to kick someone's ass when I see that it was Deku, I growl as I start walking to the door. "Kacchan! Please wait!" I hear him yell behind me. I groan and roll my eyes as I turn around to look at the nerd.

"What do you want nerd?!" I shout in his face. He looks down and fiddling his thumbs, "spit it out or I'm just gonna leave."

"Uh... Kacchan, even after what I said on Saturday you still haven't cut the string?" he says while looking at the string that connects us.

I growl a bit making him step back a little, "Look I don't have a fucking clue why you are so obsessed over the fucking string, shouldn't you be more worried about hero shit?" I tell him while getting fed up with his stupid obsession.

"Ah... your right," he says avoiding looking at me. I suddenly have the urge to ruffle his poofy green hair, that's exactly what I do. I place my hand on his head making him flinch, I ruffle his hair a bit before pulling my hand away. I quickly look at him seeing his cheeks turn pink, what the hell is wrong with him... and myself.

I hear a small click, I turn to the door to see something fall. I lift my eyebrow while walking over to it, I pick it up, a polaroid? It's still blank, the picture hasn't developed yet. I wave it as Deku walks over to me, "A polaroid?" Deku questions.

"Isn't that obvious stupid nerd?" I look at him from the corner of my eye. He nervously chuckles as the picture finally develops, I growl and hold it ready to tear it. But Deku quickly grabs it out of my hands, I see his stupid face go all red like a tomato.

The picture is of me and Deku, me ruffling his hair and him... blushing. But the thing that pisses me off the most is that I look all soft and... happy. Deku stares at it still blushing, I start shaking in anger as Deku looks at me. He quickly steps back, "Uh... Kacchan? Um, are you ok?" he asks shyly ready for me to lash out at him.

"Whatever, do what you want with that shitty thing. I want to find whoever took that!" I yell through gritted teeth. I stomp out of the classroom leaving the nerd alone, I feel like this is going to be a long and stupid day.


School ends and of course, I can't leave without the stupid nerd fucking bothering me, it's like I'm not meant to be by myself. I roll my eyes as I feel the constant tugs on the stupid red string, I turn around to see the nerd running to me. "What do you want?" I ask in a low tone of voice.

"Um... uh, I... nevermind! Sorry for wasting your time, Kacchan!" he yells as he runs off with a tomato-red face. What the hell? That nerd is one hell of a character, ONE HELL OF AN ANNOYING CHARACTER THAT IS!

I stomp all the way home, I slam open the door and also slam it close. "KATSUKI! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SLAMMING THE DOOR YOU BRAT!" I hear the old hag yell from the backyard.

"HELLO TO YOU TOO, OLD HAG!" I yell while walking upstairs. I throw my bag beside my bed while I get out of my uniform and into comfier clothes. I lay on my bed and grab my tablet, I go on ViewTube and watch some stupid random videos until dinner.

After dinner, I once again go on ViewTube but get interrupted by a text message. I look at my phone, oh, it's from Shitty Hair. Whatever I'll reply when I want to, I play the video I paused. I hear my phone go off a few more times, I pause the video and decide to look at the stupid text messages.

Shitty Hair🗿: Bakubro?

Shitty Hair🗿: Hey, Bakugo?

Shitty Hair🗿: Can I talk to you... please?

Shitty Hair🗿: I know I'm probably annoying you but can you please hear me out?

Shitty Hair🗿: Um... I guess you're ignoring me, sorry.

Sparky Boom Boom Man💥: Oi, what it is?

Shitty Hair🗿: I'm... uh, outside your house mind letting me in?

Shitty Hair🗿: It's, uh... raining.

Sparky Boom Boom Man💥: What the hell are you doing at my house at this hour?

Shitty Hair🗿: I can explain, just please let me in.

Sparky Boom Boom Man💥: Fine, give me a minute.

I turn my tablet off and place it on my desk, I leave my room and go to the living room. "Oi, hag!" I shout.

"What?" she asks not turning to look at me as she does the dishes.

"Shit- Kirishima is here, he could be staying the night or some shit," I tell her as I leave to the front door.

"WHAT?!" I hear her yell from the kitchen. I open the door and see the soaking wet redhead, his hair was down making it almost touch his shoulders. I let him inside while going and grabbing a towel, "Kirishima! What are you doing here at this hour? You're soaking wet! KATSUKI-" I walk in just as the hag yelled my name.

I hand the towel to Shitty Hair, "Oi, you better have a good explanation," I say as he nods his head. "I'm going to lend you some of my clothes, go to the bathroom here on the main floor," I tell him as I notice he's still in his school uniform. "OLD HAG! Can you dry or even wash Kirishima's uniform?!" I yell as I go upstairs to grab him some clothes.

"Sure thing, Katsuki! Kirishima, dear, just leave your wet clothes in the bathroom," I hear her tell Shitty Hair.

I get him some nice comfy clothes, most of my outfits are comfy except for the ones that the old hag bought me. I go back downstairs and knock on the bathroom door, he opens the door with his head down. Shit... he's shirtless, I see him like this quite often from his costume and changing rooms but... damn. "I'm sorry about this Bakugo," he says as he grabs the clothes from my hands.

"Just hurry up," I tell him as I go and lean against the wall next to the door. I wait for a minute or two while he changes, he comes out with a drained half-smile on his face. "Quit faking a smile, come on," I tell him as I walk upstairs.

He follows me quietly behind, something is really bothering him... he's never this quiet. I let him go in my room first, he sits on my bed and leans his back against the wall. I pull my desk chair in front of my bed, I sit in it backwards and look at Shitty Hair who is avoiding eye contact with me. "Oi, what's going on?" I ask resting my arms on the back of the chair that's in front of me.

"Uh... well you know about my grandmother on my father's side passing away about three weeks ago now, right?" he pauses, I nod. "Well, my father hasn't been doing great since, he's come home drunk a few times already. It started annoying my mother, they got in an argument two days ago. My father left that night... then came back tonight and admitted to... cheating on her while drunk. At this moment they are arguing so I thought it would be best if I left before things got worst."

I stare at him, "O-oi? Are you serious?" I ask moving my chair closer to the bed. He nods, I continue to look at him as he puts his head between his legs. I get off my chair which made Shitty- Kirishima look up at me. I kneel on my bed and pull Kirishima into a hug, he doesn't move for a second.

He then puts his arm swiftly around me as he starts crying into my shoulder, I let out a sigh. "You are always there for others yet you keep all this shit built up in you, baka. But... thanks for coming to me and talking... I guess," I tell him as I turn my head to the side.

"Thanks for understanding Bakugo," he says in my shoulder. I open my eyes after unconsciously closing them, I look down at my hand with my string... two? I have two strings? When? How? Is this even possible?

This is going to be a problem...

I hope you liked this chapter! For some reason, I have a lot of emotions built up in me atm and writing this (starting that the * point). Along with a draft of one of my stories for the oneshot book is helping. But yeah... any thoughts on who could be taking the pictures? I know there isn't a lot of information about it yet, but I would love to hear your thoughts! Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1603

The Polaroid | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now