Part 13: I Feel... Awful

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I feel... awful. Izuku has the double red disease and it's with zombie dude, how did zombie dude even come to liking Izuku? This is so frustrating! I want to tell Izuku about it but... he told me I could cut my string now. Why does he think I want to cut the string?

This is very complicated now, I should talk to Shitty Hair he could help with this issue. I enter my house and the old hag quickly comes over to me, "Congrats on winning the festival, Katuski," she says as she brings me into a big hug.

"Yeah, thanks. Whatever," I say to her as I push her off me and go upstairs to my room. I throw my bag near my desk and quickly get changed into some more comfortable clothes. I pull out my phone and open Shitty Hair's contact.

Explosion Boy💥: Oi, Shitty Hair we need to talk

Shitty Hair🗿: Okay, do you want me to come over?

Explosion Boy💥: Yes, now hurry up

Shitty Hair🗿: Sure thing!

Shitty Hair🗿: I'll be there soon

I lay on my bed and put my phone beside me, I stare at my ceiling. Izuku is really confusing me, at first he said he liked me. Next, he gets kidnapped, then I find him with heroes and save him. Then we start hanging out more and getting to know each other more, which I believe was pretty fun. Now he has the double red disease and is telling me to cut the string while looking very sad at the same time.

Where is his head? What even goes through his head with the stupid strings? I know for a fact that Izuku's head is mostly full of hero shit this and hero shit that. I hear my mom talking to someone, the old man isn't home so Shitty Hair must be here. As if Shitty Hair can read minds he opens my door, "Hi, Bakubro! So what's up?" he asks as I sit up on my bed and he comes and sits next to me.

"Well, I got a problem," I tell him as he watches me closely.

"What is it Bakugo?" he asks as I lean my back against the wall.

"Izuku... has the double red disease," I tell him as I lower my head a little.

"Wait, how do you know?" he asks me with concern pure in his voice.

"He told me he has a second string, it's attached to zombie dude," I tell him as his expression quickly changes to confused.

"Zombie dude?" he asks as I sigh.

"He has purple hair, uh... dead-looking eyes, kind of like a mini Aizawa but with purple hair," I try to tell since I don't remember his useless name.

"Oh, Shinso. But-" Shitty Hair starts to say but I cut him off.

"But Izuku doesn't know about the double red disease, he just told me he has a second string with zombie dude. Then he fucking told me to cut the string so I don't have to be with him!" I shout at Shitty Hair.

"Crap, you're not going to do it are you?" he asks and I glare at him.

"No fucking way, it seems to me he's too cowardly to do it himself which is why he told me to do it," I tell him as I grab my pillow and put it in my lap.

"What should we do now bro, Izuku gotta know about double red," Shitty Hair says as he tries to think.

"I know, maybe if we talk to his mom she can help break it to him... but we need zombie dude not to like Izuku anymore or for Izuku to reject him on the spot or zombie dude to get his string which his impossible at the moment," I explain to Shitty Hair.

"Yeah! That could work but should we think of a plan B?" Shitty Hair asks.

"No, let's just go with this. If it doesn't work then well... shit," I say as I throw my pillow away from me.

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