Part 15: Polaroid Fifteen | STOP! DON'T CUT IT!

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Izuku let's go of me and looks up at me, I wipe the tears away off his face and he shows a very small smile. I then lightly smack the back of his head and he chuckles, I then chuckle a bit too. A noise I'm quite familiar with enters my ears, another polaroid was taken.

Izuku picks it up since it was near him, he looks at it with soft and delicate eyes. I walk over and look at the polaroid over his shoulder, I like this one it's both Izuku and I laughing. And he looks adorable, "I'll keep this one," I tell him as I snatch it from his hand.

"Wait really Kacchan?" he asks a bit surprised.

"Yep, it's cute," I tell him as I put it in my pocket. Izuku blushes as I look back at him, I smirk as I lean a little closer to his face. "I want you to tell me everything," I tell him as our faces are only inches apart.

"Tell you what, Kacchan?" Izuku asks still blushing a lot.

"Why you would say you like me then when you get another string you just go to... them?" I ask as a small crack comes from my voice as I speak. He looks into my ruby eyes with his sad and glossy emerald eyes.

"I thought that me being on the other end of your string would just be a burden on you... I thought that you would be happier without me," he says with his head down.

"That doesn't exactly answer my question," I tell him as he looks up at me again. "Why? Even though you like me?"

"I don't know, Kacchan! I just thought it was what you would've wanted!" Izuku shouts right in my face.

"Well, it's not!" I shout back at him as he now looks at me confused. "Why do you think I've been wanting to hang around with you more now? Why do you think I continuously look and make sure you're okay everyday?"

"Because you wanted to be friends again?" Izuku says in more of a question then a response.

"NO!" I yell as he flinches a bit. I sigh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell," I whisper to him as I rub my forehead. "I do all of that because I love and care about you Izuku... so much. The kidnapping incident brought these feeling on me, it's why I reached out to you to become friends again. I did it so I could get closer to you Izuku, do you understand now?"

He doesn't speak for a minute, his emerald eyes just stayed glue to my ruby eyes. He then walks closer to me and places his hands on the sides of my face, he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears I didn't even know were running down my face. He then places his head on my chest as his hands tightly grip around my arms, I gently run my fingers through his hair.

"I understand, Kacchan. I'm sorry for not taking you feelings into consideration, I'm sorry for being very selfish," Izuku says as he head remains on my chest.

"It's alright, Izuku," I tell him as I pat his fluffy green locks. "Now, what to do about that double red string of yours."

"Wait, you know about double red?" he asks as he pulls his head away from my chest.

"Yeah, I had it," I tell him as he nods.

"Who?" he asks now curious.

"Shitty Hair, now let's figure out how to get rid of that second string," I tell him as he nods faster then before.

"I brought scissors, let's just cut it," Izuku says as he pulls out small scissors from his pocket.

"WAIT!" Izuku jumps a bit as he drops the scissors. "Do you know what happens to the second string once it's cut?" I ask him as he thinks for a second.

"No... what should we do?" Izuku asks as he picks the scissors up.

"I'll go talk to my old man, stay here," I tell him as he nods, I then run home as fast as I could. I slam open the door getting both my parents attention, before the old hag could scold me I go up to the old man. "Oi, what happens when you cut the string that is not attached to your real soulmate?"

"I thought you would ask at some point," he says as he sits up a bit. "If you cut the second string it cuts both strings, if the other person that doesn't have double red cuts the string the string goes away without harm to your first string."

"Great, thanks!" I shout as I run out of the house again. I bet both my parents are very confused, I run back to Izuku to find him on the swings again. He stands up as I lean over to catch my breath, "The string can be cut-" I start to say.

"Great!" Izuku says as he pulls the scissors out and getting ready to cut the string.

"STOP! DON'T CUT IT!" I yell at him as he looks at me confused.

"But Kacchan you said it can be cut so why are you stopping me?" he asks getting ready to cut it again.

"NO! LISTEN TO ME, IZUKU!" I yell at him as he closes the scissors a little.

"I AM! YOU SAID IT CAN BE CUT!" he yells back at me, I'm starting to panick.

"PUT THE FUCKING SCISSORS DOWN IZUKU MIDORIYA!" I yell at him again, this caught his attention.

"WHAT IS GOING ON KACCHAN?" he yells in complete confusion.

"IF YOU CUT THAT FUCKING STRING IT WILL END OUR STRING AS WELL! YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH SO I PANICKED OKAY!" I yell at him as he calms down and finally looks at me calmly.

"But isn't that what you want Kacchan," Izuku says as he doesn't move the scissors way from the string.

I slap the scissors right out of Izuku's hand as I bring him into a hug, I hold him tightly as he cries again. "Izuku, don't get what you think confused with what is true," I tell him as I lightly comb through his curly green hair.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan," he says as he starts crying into my shirt. I hold the greenette close to me, "Kacchan?" I hum in response. "What should we do about my second string now?" he asks me as I let go of him.

"The one way for you to get rid of it is rejecting him," I tell him as he lets out a heavy sigh.

"I know but I don't want to hurt Shinso's feelings," he says with a little pout.

"Izuku, you have to be honest," I tell him. "Just tell him you can't be with him because you have a string with someone else. If he's confused then explain double red to him, easy."

"Easy for you to say, you don't care about people's feelings," Izuku says as I look at him a bit in shock.

"Izuku, when have I ever said I don't care about people's feelings?" I ask him as he looks up at me confused while thinking.

"...You never have," he says as he smiles at me.

"Exactly. I may be an egotistical prick but I care, I just speak before thinking," I tell him as he gives me a quick hug.

"You're a good person on the inside, Kacchan," he says with a cute tone of voice. "I'm going to talk to Shinso tomorrow, then after that do you wanna find the person taking the polaroids of us?"

"You want to find the person behind all of this?" I ask as I pull out the polaroid in my pocket, he nods. "Well, then we just have to corner them." I smirk a bit as I put it back in my pocket. Izuku nods again, I lean down a bit and place a kiss on his forehead. 

My eyes go wide at what I just done and I back away, "I'll... uh t-talk to you tomorrow, I-Izuku!" I shout as I start running home. What the fuck did I do...?

I laughed when I made the title for this one, I didn't even plan to make the 15th polaroid land on the 15th part! But I hope you liked this chapter, I'm open to ideas for a new story if you have any. It can be any ship, I'm a multishipper but BakuDeku is my number one from MHA. I rather start planning now since we are coming to the end of this book, I have some ideas but I don't feel like their good enough. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1467

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