Part 12: What The Hell Is Going On?

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It's been about a week or two now, Izuku and I have been chatting and hanging out a lot. We had another villain attack but this time by the so-called, League Of Villains. They weren't here to kidnap anyone instead they wanted to fight All Might, unfortunately, All Might wasn't there and we had to deal with them.

After the whole fiasco, we got a day off to do... I'm not quite sure but all I did was sleep, play games, workout, and eat. Then after that Mr. Aizawa announced the UA sports festival, we spent a week or two training for that.

I don't believe that I mentioned anything about the stupid polaroids, we now have 14 polaroids of me and Izuku. At first, both me and Izuku were super fed up with them but now Izuku just picks them up and puts them with the others he has.

It's the day of the sports festival and I am more than ready to beat some extras asses! I got chosen to say some sort of speech shit thing, but all I said was, "I will be in first place," and walked off the stage.

The first task was an obstacle race around the stadium, it wasn't fucking easy. I should've known that an obstacle race from UA shouldn't be a walk in the park, they had robots, a fucking canyon, and last but not fucking least a fucking minefield! What type of fucking school does this to their students?! Oh... wait, IT'S FUCKING UA!

Izuku got in first place, then was immediately targeted and I just chuckled to myself since his face was funny. The next damn thing was a cavalry battle, I had Shitty Hair, Tape Face, and Raccoon Eyes in my group. The first thing I did was go after Izuku since he was worth 10 million points plus the amounts of the other extras in his group.

Next thing I knew the damn thing was over! I didn't get Izuku's headband but I did get to the next round, I guess that's okay. Next is just battles between students who won at the cavalry battle, I'm so ready to kick some ass!

The first battle is announced, Izuku is up against some guy named... Hitoshi Shinso? I don't know who the hell that is but I'm sure Izuku can fucking win that match! After a bit of time Izuku and this Shinso guy who looks like a fucking purple-haired zombie walk out to the stadium.

The match soon starts, zombie dude starts talking to Izuku. I can't hear what they are saying from where I am sitting but I can tell that he is provoking Izuku. Izuku starts saying something to him but stops, I watch him closely. The zombie dude says something to him and Izuku starts turning around, he starts walking slowly to the outside of the ring.

What the hell is he doing? Why isn't he fighting him? Why is he just walking away? There is no way that is Izuku, he wouldn't just walk away from a fight like this. I look closer at Izuku to see if anything, anything at all has changed about him. His eyes... his eyes are a hazy white shade, that zombie did something didn't he?

"I warned him and he didn't even listen," I hear tail guy say as he watches Izuku. Warned him? Wait... he froze and turned around after the zombie dude spoke. Does that zombie dude's quirk have something to do with people talking to him?

I watch as Izuku inches closer and closer to the outside of the ring, this isn't good... zombie guy is going to win at this point. But Izuku stops, Izuku uses his quirk with his fingers and pretty much snaps himself out of zombie dude's quirk. He then proceeds to shove zombie dude out of the ring, after throwing zombie dude over his shoulder is when Izuku finally wins.

A bunch of extras soon start their matches after Izuku's, all of it was pretty lame to me. But soon it was my turn, I'm against Ochaco Uraraka or in my terms round face or pink cheeks. From seeing her fight before she seems pretty easy to defeat, that was my thought at first.

As she stands in front of me as we wait for the signal to start our match, the look in her eyes has changed. She's full of determination, it's like a female Izuku... but with brown hair. The match soon starts, she starts off strong and tries everything she can to touch me. But she's easy to read, don't get me wrong she is giving me a hard time but her movements are obvious.

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