Part 18: A Never Parting Ending

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I wake up in the morning not to my alarm but to a text message, I groan as I get off my bed and look at the time. Only, 7:46, I have time to spare. Instead of checking the message I walk over to my closet and throw my uniform on, not bothering with the tie. I then decide to check the message, It's Izuku, I smile as I look at the message.

Izu💚: Good morning, Kacchan😊

Kacchan💥: Morning Izuku

Kacchan💥: Did you sleep well?

Izu💚: Yep!

Izu💚: Are we walking to school together today?

Kacchan💥: Of course

Izu💚: Yay!

Izu💚: I can't wait to see you even though I saw just yesterday

Kacchan💥: Me neither, cutie


Kacchan💥: Hahaha, I'll see you soon

Kacchan💥: Make sure you're ready

Izu💚: Yep! I will😄

I put my phone down and continue my morning routine; breakfast, last minute homework, make my lunch. I put my shoes on and leave the house, I then proceed to walk to Izuku's house. When I get there I don't even have to walk to the door, Izuku just comes running out of the door.

He runs straight towards me and I panic for second, oh shit... he's going to jump. I brace myself for impact as he jumps right on me, his legs go around my waist as his arms go around my neck. My arms go under his ass to support him, I don't need him falling. "Good morning, Kacchan," Izuku says with his sun blinding smile as he kisses my cheek.

"Best damn morning by far!" I shout as I plant a kiss on his lips. He smiles again as I let him down, he grabs my hand as we start walking towards the school. I don't care right now and from the looks of things neither does Izuku.

That was what I was thinking until we got to the classroom door that was surprising closed, I let go of Izuku's hand. Izuku looks up at me as I feel the nerves run through my body, I don't get why I'm nervous... there is no need to be. I look down into Izuku's worried emerald eyes, I have Izuku so why is there something to be nervous about. "Kacchan, what's wrong?" Izuku asks as his hand glides over my shoulder, up and down.

"I'm... nervous and I don't know why. I have you and I should be proud of it but... I just feel the nerves... everywhere," I tell him as he smiles softly.

"It'll be ok, Kacchan. We're doing this together right? So, if anything bad happens we'll deal with it together, no matter what. Does anyone in the class that you are close with know about us having a string?" Izuku asks as he strokes my blonde spikes.

"Shitty Hair and Dunce Face, know," I tell him. "Thank you, what you said calmed me down," I pull him into a hug, he just gently runs his hands over my back.

"You're welcome. Since Kirishima and Kaminari know they should have your back, right?" Izuku suggests with a cute smile.

"They fucking better!" I shout making Izuku chuckle. I release Izuku from my grip and grab his hand, I turn to him and he smiles. I slide the classroom door open, I take a deep breath ready for what ever is about to come.

No one really pays attention to us at first, which I am thankful for... until. "Yes!" I hear Shitty Hair shout. The class looks at him then they look at where he is looking, it's Izuku and I hand in hand in the doorway of the classroom.

"Finally you two are together!" Dunce Face then shouts as him and Shitty Hair high five. Suddenly two extras who I believe are Izuku's friends step in front of us, I just stare at them as Izuku smiles proudly.

"Is he by chance your string, Midoriya?" Four Eyes asks while he addresses me with his whole hand.

"Yes, we've been through a lot but in the end we're together now," Izuku says as he squeezes my hand. I look down at him and he looks up at me with a smile, I use my free hand to ruffle his hair.

"Welcome to the club now Deku," Round Face says as she pats him on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Uraraka," Izuku says, the two walk away to their desks.

I look at Izuku confused, "The club? What club?" I ask as he chuckles at my confusion.

"Uraraka and Iida have a string together and have been together for a while now," I look at the couple that was mentioned and back at Izuku. I nod now understanding what Round Face meant when saying, 'The Club'. "The only other couple in the class that I'm sure you know of is Kaminari and Jirou, they have a string and are in the club. Which of course we are in-"

"WHAT!" I yell interrupting Izuku's muttering. Izuku looks at me in surprise as I practically drag him over to Dunce Face with me, "Oi, Dunce Face! Didn't bother to tell me you're with Earphone Girl!" I shout at him as he looks at me in shock.

"After everything you and Midoriya have been through I just thought I would tell you about my string later, you know?" he says as his voice quakes a bit.

"Ugh! Well, congratu-fucking-lations Dunce Face," I tell him in an none sarcastic tone.

"Oh, thank you, Bakugou! Congrats to you too bud," he says as I nod with a grunt.

"I feel lonely now since you both have strings and you are with that person now too," Shitty Hair says while pouting, I hear Izuku chuckle a bit behind me.

"Just ask Mina out already, dumbass!" I shout at him. Both him and Mina stare at me with burning red faces, I hear Izuku try to control his laughter behind me. "I'm just saying!" I hear Izuku full on laughing behind me, "What's so funny?" I ask as he zips his lips.

I get close to his face, my expression can be read as 'Spill it'. "You're really close with Kirishima and Kaminari, it's amusing and comforting," he says with a big smile.

I freeze for a moment as I stare at him, Shitty Hair and Dunce Face are watching me closely. I quickly hug Izuku's head, "You're are so fucking cute!" I shout as those around me start laughing.

The bell soon rings and Aizawa enters the classroom, throughout the whole class Izuku and I held hands. I feel calmer being with Izuku, I don't think I will ever be able to leave this euphoria that Izuku and I created. I hope he feels the same, if at some point he doesn't... I'm not letting him go so he ain't leaving, FUCK THAT!

This string will forever be tied between Izuku and I, for as long as I live.

I'm back from camping! You all should be lucky you weren't there, I couldn't take a shower for six days! I smelt like the trash can I really am! Anyways, that's the end of The Polaroid, I'm happy yet sad, I really liked writing this story I didn't get bored with it halfway through. I do have a new story though, it isn't a BakuDeku story (well... sorta it is) but... the next book to Can I Be A Hero... Kacchan? I'm actually really excited for this, they'll mostly be my own characters based off their parents. I've taken some inspiration from others who have down similar things to this too. I recommend reading Can I Be A Hero... Kacchan? first though before reading the second book. Thanks soooo much for reading The Polaroid. Lots of love, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1301

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