Part 5: Doesn't have a title since it was a draft | Original Story

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This chapter has been edited. This is also the draft I had that I never finished, so enjoy the small chapter.

I walk over to where his voice came from, he was in the wheelchair stall. The door was cracked a bit, I open it and it was surely a sight to see. I turn around and quickly shut the door while locking it, I turn back around to get another good look at Deku. Do I really like this nerd? Because right now, he's...

So fucking hot! I can't comprehend this right now, my brain is clouding over with too many thoughts. Some good, others really bad. I'm frozen on the spot, I haven't moved an inch and Deku is just staring at me while I stare back. "K-Kacchan...can you stop staring at me, please? It's making me uncomfortable...and embarrassed," Deku says.

I lose control, I lick my lips and run to Deku. I connect our lips aggressively, my mind is blank all I am thinking is Deku. His lips are soft as they quiver under mine, the quivering makes me retract from him instantly. I look down at him as I stood up, "Shit... what have I... done?" I question myself. "I'll... take you to the infirmary so that you can go home."

Deku just nods as I pick him up, I look at him one last time. He blushes and puts his head into my chest, I then leave the bathroom. I make my way to the infirmary, just my luck I run into Kirishima coming back from somewhere. "Hey, Bakugou! What are you...Midoriya?" Kirishima says.

Deku looks up at Kirishima and smiles while giving him a little wave, he winces in pain and puts his head back to my chest. Kirishima looks up at me and gives me a confused look, I wanted to smack that look right off his face. I know exactly what he is thinking, damn shitty hair. He comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, "Is Midoriya ok?" he asks.

I nod and just start walking again. I take Deku to Recovery Girl, she knows about Deku being an omega and tells me that she will be contacting his mother. I nod and leave the infirmary, I go back to class where shitty hair stares at me the whole time. I glare at him every so often so he would just quit staring into my soul just one fucking second!

After school is done I grab my shit, I start walking to the door reading to go home. That was the plan until stupid shitty hair pulled me away from the door. "OI! Shitty hair let go!" I yell as he doesn't let go of me.

"What's wrong with Midoriya?" he asks staring me right in the eye. This is about the stupid nerd, I groan visibly annoyed.

"It's none of your damn business, if he doesn't tell you then I'm not going to either," I tell him.

"Oh, I guess if it's something private I shouldn't invade then," he says with a bow as an apology before walking away.

I then carry on my way to the front doors, but of course, I get stopped again by no other than All Might. I look up at the overly muscular hero, "Young Bakugou, Young Midoriya's mother wasn't able to pick him up so Recovery Girl wants you to take him home," he says. I sigh and nod while turning around to go back to the infirmary.

So I'm going to be working on the first chapter for the new story of The Polaroid now that my other story, My Stalker is done. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 622

The Polaroid | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now