Part 4: Kirishima... I mean Shitty Hair?

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I set up a futon beside my bed for Kirishima... I mean Shitty Hair to sleep in, I look at the time it's almost 10:30 pm. I lay in my bed as Shitty Hair lays in the futon, neither of us speak we just enjoy the silence. It's not awkward but peaceful, I have to admit... I like being around Shitty Hair.

The old hag then comes in my room, "You alright dear? Do you need anything before I go to bed?" she asks looking at our set up. She looks really concerned for Shitty Hair, don't get me wrong I'm also concerned about Shitty Hair.

"No thank you, Mitsuki," Shitty Hair says with his toothy sharky grin.

"Alright, if you need anything just nag Katsuki," she says as she leaves my room.

A groan escapes my throat , Shitty Hair looks up at me and chuckles. I look down at him and he shows me his shark grin, I feel some heat rise to my face. I groan yet again and turn over to face the wall, but then he speaks, "Bakugo!" I hear him quietly shout.

I turn over again and see him staring at his finger, does he notice the string now? "What?" I ask a bit harshly.

"I have a red string... but it's attached to you. It doesn't make sense, you've been fifteen for about a month so I should've seen the string sooner. Why is it showing now?" Shitty Hair asks more himself than me.

"Don't ask me, I don't know... but the string that connects us isn't my first one," I tell him while staring at the ceiling.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asks turning over and looking at me.

"This string... it's my second string," I tell him while holding the red string attached to mine and Shitty Hair's fingers.

"Wait... second string?! You have two strings now?" Shitty Hair asks sitting up in the futon.

"Yes," I tell him bluntly.

"How is that possible?" he asks laying back in his bed.

"Quit asking me questions. I don't fucking know, now shut up and go to sleep," I tell him turning over to face the wall once again. After that, he doesn't say anything, I sigh as I look at my finger that now contains two strings. What should I do? I close my eyes as sleep overcomes my body.


My alarm fills my quiet room, I activate my quirk while slamming my hand on the alarm clock. I break at least two-to-three alarm clocks a week, my mom puts aside money for me to buy new ones. This is the second one this week, "Good morning Bakubro," I hear Shitty Hair say as he gets up.

I sit up and look at him, I roll my eyes, "Whatever... morning," I tell him as I get up and walk to my closet. I turn around after grabbing my uniform seeing the stupid redhead smiling brightly, "You're lucky I'm tired, your face would be covered in smoke right now," I tell as I leave for the bathroom.

"Wait! Where is my uniform?" Shitty Hair asks chasing after me.

"Laundry room, most likely. You should know where that is," I tell him as I carry on my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, then after put my uniform on. I leave the bathroom and go into my room to find Shitty Hair half-naked. "Hurry up, I'm gonna go make breakfast," I tell him as I put my other clothes with the dirty laundry.

I leave the room and go downstairs then into the kitchen, I let out a deep breath I was holding in. "Jeez, I see him half-naked at school practically every day. Why now am I embarrassed after seeing him like that?" I ask myself as I let out a groan and start on making breakfast.

As I plate the food I feel hands on my shoulder, I swiftly turn around while holding up my spatula at the person behind me. "Dude, going to kill me with a spatula?" Shitty Hair says chuckling a little.

"As a matter of fact, I will," I say whacking him in the head with it. "Also don't scare me, Shitty Hair!" I shout at him while still whacking him.

"Ok, ok, ok, sorry!" Shitty hair says putting his hands up in defence. He then walks over to the table while I bring him breakfast, "Thank you, Bakubro," he says as he digs into the food, I nod as I start eating mine. Once finished I stand up ready to take my plate to the kitchen, "I got it," Shitty Hair says as he takes my plate.

I watch him start cleaning the dishes, "Thanks, Sitty Hair," I say as I walk to the door. I wait there for the stupid redhead to finish with the dishes, not long after he appears around the corner. I stand up and throw my bag on my shoulder, I open the door but Shitty Hair grabs my arm.

"Wait, Bakubro..." he says looking down.

I stare at him, "What?" I ask watching him curiously.

"Uh... look I never said this before because I didn't know who was on the other end of your string. But after seeing last night I want to tell you, I like you Bakubro..." he tells me as I stand there frozen.

"You... like me? Like, in more than a friend way?" I ask still shocked.

"Yes," he says proudly.

"Well... like I told you last night, you're my second string. I'll need to think," I tell him as he nods and let's go of my arm.

We walk to school together, this has happened before since Shitty Hair likes to come over out of the blue. Once at the school tugs come to the string that is connected to stupid Deku. I turn around, "What do you want Deku?" I shout at him.

Shitty Hair looks at me confused since Deku wasn't that close to us nor talking to us. "Oh, sorry Kacchan. I didn't mean to that time," he says with a nervous smile.

I growl a little as we enter the school, Shitty Hair continues to walk with me but he stays quiet. Once in the classroom, I sit at my desk as Shitty Hair goes to talk with some extras. Soon the bell rings and Aizawa enters starting the class, during his class I felt a set of eyes on me.

I look around, no one is looking in my direction. That's odd, I swear someone was looking at me. I continue to pay attention to Aizawa's class, I hate how on edge I've been lately it's pissing me off. Is something bad going to happen?

I feel Deku tug on the string, I turn around, "What is it?" I ask in a whisper as he looks at me nervously. Nothing new with that.

"Did you get the last thing he said? I kind of... zoned out," he whispers nervously.

I groan and hand him my notes, that's when I notice Shitty Hair looking at me. So he's the one staring at me, I lift my brow at him and he quickly looks down at his paper. "Thanks, Kacchan," Deku whispers happily.

"Yeah whatever," I whisper as I take my notes back. The morning classes soon end and lunch comes, that's when Shitty Hair comes over to my desk. It looks like he has something to say, "What is it Shitty Hair?" I ask as he leans against my desk.

"Your other string is attached to Midoriya isn't it?" Shitty Hair asks quietly so no one hears.

"Yes, how did you know?" I ask as he then proceeds to sit on my desk.

"I've noticed this for a while now, you turn to Midoriya a lot even though he didn't touch or say anything you. Now I have realized that he's pulling on the string to get your attention, am I right?" He asks with gleaming eyes for some reason.

"Yes, you're right. And it's fucking annoying that he does that, so if you start doing that I'm throwing you off the top of this roof!" I shout at him as everyone has left the room.

Soooooo, it took me quite some time to write this part since writers block is a bitch! But I hope you liked this part, oh and if you can't tell already there is some KiriBaku in this. But just like A Dorm Party, this is indeed a BakuDeku story. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word Count: 1433

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