Part 11: Hang Out Time With Izuku Midoriya

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The rest of the day went by with ease, nothing important happened. Shitty Hair and Dunce Face pestered me throughout lunch but that was the most... exciting part of the day. Izuku throughout the day had people swarming him and asking if he was ok, it was so fucking annoying.

As I head to the front gate of the school I notice a familiar greenette standing there, I walk over to him. "Hi Kacchan," Izuku says with his bright... no, sun blinding smile.

"Hey, nerd," I say to him but I quickly freeze. Shit! My eyes go wide, "AH, shit! Sorry, I meant Izuku."

"It's fine, Kacchan. It's going to take some time," Izuku gives my shoulder a little pat. "Oh, I thought that we can walk home together. Since, you know, you want to hang out more if we walk together in the mornings and afternoons it could... help. Is that okay?" he asks nervously.

"Yeah, it's fine. Let's go," I say to him as I start walking. Izuku quickly runs up beside me, he starts talking about the day and how it went for him. He asks me questions too, such as; how was your day, Kacchan? Was it a good day for you?

We reach Izuku's apartment, he looks at the ground before looking at me with a bit of pink on his cheeks. "Uh, Kacchan?" Izuku says shyly to get my attention.

"What's up?" I ask as I watch his glossy emerald eyes looking at my ruby eyes.

"Would you like to have dinner with me and my mom this evening? I-if you're not busy that it, I totally understand if your busy," Izuku says as a small smile appears on my lips.

"Dinner with you and Aunt Inko doesn't sound half bad," I tell him as a big smile crosses his face. He grabs my hand and drags me to his door, I follow him into his apartment. He lets go as he takes his shoes off and Aunt Inko soon comes around the corner of the hallway, she looks at me and shows a smile almost identical to Izuku's.

"Katsuki! Hello, dear, it's been so long since I've seen you. How have you been?" she asks as I take my shoes off and walk over to her. "My, you've gotten taller and very handsome too," she says as she giggles a little.

She pulls me into a hug and I lightly wrap my arms around her, "Uh, thank you Aunt Inko," I tell her as she releases me.

"No problem dear, come on in. Get comfortable, is there anything you want?" she asks as she walks into the kitchen. Izuku walks past me and into the kitchen, he pulls out a couple of things from his lunch and gives them to his mom.

"I'm alright, but thanks anyway," I tell her as Izuku walks over to me now. Izuku grabs my arm and tugs on it a little, I look at him and he points to his room. "Uh... we're going to be in Izuku's room now," I tell her as I look at Izuku as he nods a couple of times.

"Okay, just tell me if you need anything," she says as Izuku pulls me into his room and closes his door. I walk over to his bed and sit down, I look around his room and laugh a bit. Izuku just glares at me but that makes me laugh more, he crosses his arms and pouts as he sits beside me.

"Your room is still that same after all these years," I tell him after I control my laughing.

"Oh, come on! You probably have some All Might merch in your room too," Izuku says as he points to me. I stay quiet and look away, "I knew it! No fooling me!" Izuku says proudly. "Oh and sorry about my mom, she'll go on and on about the past is we stayed there any longer. I also made you say it because she would've said 'you're forcing Katsuki to do things he might not want to do.'"

I chuckle at him mimicking his mom, "It's fine, I understand," I tell as I look around his room and notice the TV that wasn't in his room before. "Hey, do you have any video games?" I ask as I point at the TV.

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