Part 3: Why Is He So cute? | Original Story

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Deku curls up even more while pulling the blanket closer around him. I sigh and pull the blanket off of him, I instantly blush at what I'm seeing. His arm is over his forehead as his cheeks are flushed red, he holds his other arm between his legs. He looks up at me with his emerald green eyes as sweat falls from his forehead. What am I feeling?

*SMUT WARNING!* (Not a lot)

I stare at him, he stares back up at me then quickly turns away from me. I look him up and down, I never noticed how fit he is, he has very toned muscles. I then notice that he is hard, I look away. Damn this is awkward, ugh what should I do? "Uh, Kacchan?" I hear Deku say.

"Yeah, Deku?" I ask still looking away.

"Can you leave now?"


Wait... what did I say? What has overcome me? I can't understand why I want to be on top of Deku seeing every face he could make. What am I thinking? Quit it Katsuki Bakugou! But what type of faces will he make from the pleasure that I can give him? I... really don't understand where this side of me is coming from. "Please, Kacchan. This is embarrassing for me," Deku says.

Instead of responding I climb on top of Deku, his eyes widen in shock. I move my hand up and under Deku's shirt, I feel his very toned abs and move up to his nipple. I give it a little pinch, he moans then quickly covers his mouth, I smirk and move my hand down to his pants. I put my hand in his pants and his underwear, I grab his hard and twitching cock.

I begin moving my hand up and down, Deku moans again but doesn't hide this time. I rub the tip as I continue to move my hand up and down, he can't hide his pleasure anymore. I start to move my hand faster making him arch his back and moan a little louder, I take my other hand and play with his nipple again. "K-Kacchan," Deku moans.

I quickly snap out of it and remove my hands from Deku's body, he whines a little. I get off his bed and back away towards the door, "uh, I don't know what happened. I'm just going to leave, dinner will probably be finished soon. I'll see you downstairs, you... uh might want to fix that," I say pointing down below before leaving the room. I blush and quickly go to the bathroom.

What is wrong with me? Why was I doing that stuff to Deku? Why did he look so... hot when I did that? I splash cold water on my face and wash my hands before going back downstairs. I help Inko set the table and dish the food. "Katsuki, mind getting Izuku?" Inko asks.

"Sure," I respond, I can't decline Inko.

I go upstairs and knock on Deku's door, it takes him a while to open the door. When he opens the door he looks up at me and blushes while looking away. "Dinner is ready," I say. I turn away and walk downstairs feeling my face heat up. Why does he have to look so cute? What... the fuck am I saying?

(Izuku's POV)

When Kacchan came to get me for dinner I couldn't help but blush from remembering what he did to me. He looks down at me with his red eyes, I can't see any anger in them, they are calm. "Dinner is ready," he says. He turns and starts walking downstairs, I follow behind him, I notice that his ears are red. I wanted to giggle but I don't.

Kacchan sits at the table and I sit beside him, he looks at me then looks at the food that my mom places in front of him and me. We wait for my mom to sit down, we all dig in. My eyes light up after taking my first bite, "Wow mom! This is good," I tell her.

"I'm glad dear," My mom says with a smile.

We all finish dinner and I begin to clean up the dishes, I hear some else enter the kitchen. I feel their breath on my neck making me turn around, it's Kacchan. "Do you need help with the dishes?" he asks. I blush at how close he is to me and nod. I turn around again and feel his hands on my waist, he moves me aside a bit. He starts drying off the dishes I put on the rack, once we finish Kacchan goes to the front door. I follow him along with my mom.

"Going home already, Katsuki?" my mom asks.

"Yes, don't need my mom worrying," Kacchan responds.

"Ok, well it was great having you over after all this time. Feel free to come over anytime."

"Thanks, aunt Inko. Oh and thanks for dinner too, it was good."

"Thank you."

The house phone starts to ring so my mom leaves to go answer it, I look up at Kacchan and smile. "Bye Kacchan, I'll see you at school on Monday. Thanks for coming over and uh... taking care of me," I say to him.

"See ya, Deku. We're going to forget about today, ok? Mention it and you'll regret it," Kacchan tells me.

"Ok Kacchan."

Kacchan ruffles my hair then realizes what he is doing, he retracts his hand and exits my house. It makes me remember when he pulled away from me earlier, he seemed clueless to what he was doing. I think he also felt... bad, but I also think he secretly loved it since he kept smirking and blushing.

(Katsuki's POV)

I walk home unable to get Deku's blushing face out of my head, I enter my house and close the door. Not slamming it while locking it. I go into the kitchen and tap my mom's shoulder, she turns around surprised to see me. "Katsuki! Where were you?" she asks.

"I was at the Midoriya's, I already had dinner so I'll be in my room for the rest of the night," I tell her.

"Ok," she looks at me concerned as I go upstairs.

I close my bedroom door and lay down on my bed, I take my phone out and ignore the notifications. I go onto the web and search 'what are omega waves in heat?' A whole bunch of stuff pops up. I open the first one and read it.

'Most omegas will have heat every other month after the age of 12. When in heat omegas will create a nest with things that remind them of their mate or their lover. After that, they begin to have cramps, which are extremely uncomfortable and painful. Then the waves come, waves are a need for sex or a need for their mate or lover. They will constantly be thinking about them throughout the wave. If the omega sees their mate or lover they could immediately be put into a wave.'

I stop reading and put my phone beside me, shit. I made Deku go into a wave since I was there, right? How will Monday go? I should keep an eye on him at school.

Word Count: 1219

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