Part 6: You don't understand All Might... he's my soulmate

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"Kacchan, what are we going to do about this? There is someone sneaking around us and taking these pictures," Deku says as he sits back down on my bed.

"I don't fucking know, this is pissing me off. That's the second one right?" I ask as I lean back in my chair.

"Yes. Should we talk or ask people about this?" he asks looking at the photo.

"No, I don't want people knowing about this," I tell him as I ruffle my hair a bit.

"Then what do we do? We can't just do nothing! This person could be a villain," Deku says with a hint of worry in his tone.

"Least likely," I say as he looks at me confused by my calm state. "How could it be a villain and get in UA without setting off the alarm?"

"Oh, right," Deku says as he starts mumbling about anyone it could be.

"Quit mumbling, it's getting annoying," I shout a little at him making him shut up.

"S-sorry," he says as he hangs his head.

"Look, we need to focus more on our hero studies then the string and this mysterious person taking photos. Both of those will be put second from hero studies," I tell him while looking away.

"Right! Well, I better get going," Deku says as he gets off my bed.

"About time," I say rolling my eyes as Deku chuckles a little. "What are you laughing at?"

"Well, I'm use to your bold and self-centred personality rather then what you were showing this evening," Deku bravely says as we both leave my room.

"OI! What's that supposed to mean!?" I shout as he walks down the stairs in front of me.

"Just means that you're being you and that's what I really like about you, Kacchan," Deku says as he turns to face me at the bottom fo the stairs with a big smile.

"Tsk," is all that I respond with before we continue to the door. The old hag comes and says bye to Deku before he leaves, which was super annoying since she didn't want him to leave. I wave at him since I don't have any more to say to him, he waves back and leaves.

"Night," I say to my parents before I walk upstairs. I enter my room and collapse on my bed, why do those two like me? How is it possible to have two fucking strings? None of this makes any sense! I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.


"Oi! OI! Katsuki! Wake up!" I hear the old hag shout. I open my eyes and look up at her, "It's about ten minutes past your alarm, now get ready."

"Shit!" I shout as I get out of my bed.

"LANGUAGE, KATSUKI!" the hag yells while leaving my room.

"WHATEVER!" I yell back as I quickly throw my uniform on. I quickly have breakfast and leave the house as fast as I can, as I walk I look at the time, I have time. I calm down a bit and walk to school, I also fix my uniform a bit since it looks like I slept in it.

I arrive at the school and immediately stop, I recognize someone standing against a tree. It's the guy from the store with the scars, he's staring right back at me but Shitty Hair comes and pulls me out of my thoughts. (BTW, the guy with the scars isn't a specific character. He's just someone that'll help Bakugo realize his feeling, and not in a good way...)

I walk with Shitty Hair into the school, I don't pay attention to whatever he's saying. I sit at my desk as he continues to talk to me until Dunce Face and Soy Souce Face walk into the room, he then goes and talks with them. Class starts, I haven't told anyone about that guy... I don't know why but I probably should.

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