Part 4: Polaroid One | Original Story

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I stop reading and put my phone beside me, shit. I made Deku go into a wave since I was there, right? How will Monday go? I should keep an eye on him at school.

Monday came around after a boring weekend, well Saturday wasn't too boring. It was more confusing than anything, to be honest, I felt some... happiness. I get to school late, when I enter the classroom everyone looks at me as always. But the only look I seem to care about was the little greenette who stared nervously at me. I sit in front of him as Mr. Aizawa carries on with his teaching. I can still smell the sweet smell coming from Deku, it's fainter now though.

The first few classes went by fast, the lunch bell rings and shitty hair comes to my desk. "Bakubro, want to eat lunch with us?" he asks. I look behind him at tape face, raccoon eyes, and Pikachu. I feel someone behind me tap my shoulder, it's Deku.

"No," I say frankly. They start to leave disappointed, I roll my eyes. "I might come later, it depends."

They look happy as they left the classroom, soon it was just me and Deku in the classroom. I turn around to face him, "Uh, hi...Kacchan," he says.

"Get to the point, Deku," I tell him. "There has to be some reason you kept me back here."

"C-can you... smell-" he starts stuttering when I interrupt.

"Yes, but it's faint."

" be able to deal with it for the rest of the day?"

"Yeah, just keep it on the down-low."

I see a flash flicker in the classroom, I quickly stand up while looking around. No one is here but me and Deku, I turn to Deku, "You saw that, right? Wasn't my imagination?" I ask him. He nods his head as I look more thoroughly around the room, under desks and such. Deku gets up and helps me look around, he goes over to the door and picks something up. I go over to him and take the thing from him, I don't know what it is. "What the hell is this thing?" I ask.

"It's a polaroid, Kacchan. It's a way to print pictures out, normally certain cameras use them. You wave the polaroid around to get the picture faster," Deku explains.

I wave the little polaroid around waiting for the picture to show up, it took a while but it finally shows. It's a picture of me and Deku at his desk, someone just took this! I look closer at the photo, more at myself than anything. Do I look at Deku like that? I have such a soft face while looking at him, that's not right.

I give the polaroid to Deku, "This shit isn't happening again. Next time you talk to me at school alone, I'm punching you in the face, got it?"

"Y-yes Kacchan."

I leave the classroom to meet up with shitty hair and the other fuck faces in the cafeteria. Deku follows way behind me, I enter the cafeteria and spot shitty hair. I sit down and eat the food that I made for my lunch, the food here I find crappy so I make my own. The fuck faces all talk about random hero shit, I roll my eyes to most of it, my eyes are starting to hurt now.

The lunch bell rings and we all go back to the classroom to begin our next class. Present Mic is teaching us English, which I don't see a use for in life. I stare at Present Mic as he goes on and on about the English language background and where it came from. I hear the sound of clothing moving behind me, it's Deku raising his hand. "Yes, Midoriya?" Present Mic asks.

"May I use the washroom?" he asks.

I perk up, he never asks to go the bathroom during something like this. He would always push through until lunch or when school ends to go to the washroom. Is he still in... heat? No, he isn't.

"Go ahead Midoriya," Present Mic says before carrying on with his lesson.

As Deku walks by me I can smell him, the scent wasn't as faint as it was this morning. Something is up, is he alright? Woah! I am not worrying about stupid Deku right now! He can fix himself in the washroom, I'm not going to help him. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take it out and hide it under my desk.

Deku🖕🏻: Kacchan, I need your help rn. Can you please come and help me?

King Explosion Murder💥: No, why should I help a stupid nerd like you?

Deku🖕🏻: Because my heat is lasting longer then it should. You should've noticed it too, right?

King Explosion Murder💥: I didn't notice, ugh. I'll come but don't expect me to stay long.

Deku🖕🏻: Thank you, Kacchan!

I roll my eyes, now I need to figure out how to get out of this class. I can't use the washroom excuse since Deku used that, water? No, the water fountain is too close for me to be away longer, office? That might work, I sigh and raise my hand. "What Bakugou?" Present Mic says.

"Can I go to the office?" I ask.


"There are matters I need to discuss there."

"Fine, make fast though."

"Yeah, yeah."

I leave the classroom and make my way to the washrooms. When I enter, a purple-haired boy who looks like he could use some sleep stares at me through the mirror. I lean against the wall and wait for him to leave, we didn't break eye contact the entire time. He leaves and I let out a deep breath, "Oi, Deku are you in here still?" I ask.

"Y-yes," he answers with a stutter.

I walk over to where his voice came from, he was in the wheelchair stall. The door was cracked a bit, I open it and it was surely a sight to see. I turn around and quickly shut the door while locking it, I turn back around to get another good look at Deku. Do I really like this nerd? Because right now, he's...

Cliff hanger! Sorry that this is late, most updates will be late. The other ones were actually early, I had them prewritten and had time to edit them.

Word Count: 1077

The Polaroid | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now