Part 10: Polaroid 4 & 5 | I Want To Know You Better

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The next morning I surprisingly got out of bed before my alarm, I get ready not in a rush for once. I have breakfast and look at the time, I'm picking Deku up so I should leave early. I finish breakfast, I grab my bag and leave the house. On the way to Deku's place I felt... nervous, I get to Deku's door and knock. Deku opens the door not even a second later, I look at him in shock for a moment. "Come on, let's go," I tell him as I turn around.

Deku closes his door and locks it, he then runs up to me. He walks beside me but I'm not in the mood to really care about that. The walk is quiet but not awkward, thankfully but that was until Deku spoke. "Kacchan... I don't understand this, did a teacher ask you to do this?" he asks.

I stop, Deku stops too and looks at me with his emerald eyes gleaming in curiosity. "No, I'm doing this on my own," I bluntly tell him. I allow my ruby-red eyes to stare into his green ones, I'm not going to break eye contact.

"Eh? Then why are you doing this?" he asks nervously, I can see his hands slightly shaking.

I sigh, " Because I want to," I say to him as I start walking again.

"Wait! Kacchan!" I stop and turn to him. "Please tell me you're not doing this because of the string." I walk up to him and look down at him, he looks up and me. His determination to know what's going on isn't fading, I guess that's a good factor about him.

"I'll repeat myself," I tell him as I get only a few inches away from his face. "I'm doing this because I want to." I can see Deku's face gradually turning red, I feel some heat rise to my face as well.

"Do... you mean that Kacchan?" he asks as I pull my face away from his. I nod, "It's strange for you to be nice like this Kacchan... but I like you like this." I look at him as I think, I can tell that me being quiet is making him nervous again.

"Izuku, I honestly panicked when you got kidnapped and I... realized something I guess," I tell him as I pull him into a hug. I can tell he's confused and shocked because of his shaky hands returning my hug. "My string is connected to you for a reason and I never thought much about it, but... I fucking need you in my life, Izuku Midoriya."

After a minute or two of silence, I hear sobs and feel my shirt getting damp. I pull away from the hug and look at a balling Deku, I chuckle a bit since this is a normal sight for Deku. "Kacchan, are you sick?" Deku asks between sobs.

I lightly slap him on the back of the head, "No, I'm not," I tell him as he looks up at me smiling. I use my thumb to get rid of his tears, "Can I suggest something?" I ask as he nods. "How about I make up for all the years I was an asshole to you?"

"How?" Deku asks tilting his head slightly. ...He looks like a confused bunny, damn... that's very cute.

"We... uh, hang out more or some shit like that," I tell him while scratching the back of my head.

Deku smiles softly, "That would be great Kacchan," he says as we start walking again. But I stop and look at my feet, Deku also stops and looks at where I'm looking. "A Polaroid," Deku says as he bends down and picks it up. "Oh, there is two of them," he hands one to me and holds the other.

"I didn't even hear the click," I tell him as I look at the polaroid. Shit... it's of him and I hugging, dang it, I look too happy in this.

"I think we were too focused on what we were talking about," Deku says as he hands me the polaroid he had. I give him the one I had, the one Deku had was of my face inches away from his. Man, I am starting to hate whoever is doing this but I'm thankful too.

"Here, have them," I hand him the one I had. I start walking again and Deku comes up and walks beside me, as we walk he starts telling me about a whole bunch of things. Even stuff from the kidnapping, but that soon turned into a talk about All Might... what a shock. "Hm..." I hum as Deku stops talking and looks at me.

"What is it Kacchan?" Deku asks noticing that I might have something to say.

"I'm going to call you Izuku again but I'm still going to call you Deku at school though. I'm... uh, not sure how nice I'll be at school or in public, it could take a while for me to be like this in front of people with you," I tell him as he nods along.

"It's okay Kacchan, I understand. Just take your time, when you're ready, you're ready," Izuku says with a wide smile.

I ruffle his hair as a half-smile appears on my face, "Thank you, I'm going up ahead. See you in class," I tell him as I wave behind me at him.

"See ya, Kacchan!" Izuku shouts as I see pink cheeks run up to him in the corner of my eye. I enter the school and go into the classroom, I sit at my desk with a small growl coming from my mouth. Right after I take my seat Shitty Hair and Dunce Face walk up to my desk, I groan in visible annoyance.

"Spill," Shitty Hair says as he sits... ON MY DAMN FUCKING DESK.

"Spill what?" I ask as I glare at them both.

"Well, you left early yesterday and Midoriya is back today. Plus I saw you talking to Midoriya before coming here," Dunce Face says with a smirk on his face.

"I also told him about... your string," Shitty Hair nervously states.

I glare at them both, only if looks can kill they would so be dead right now! "I'm not saying anything to you two dumbasses, oh and in training today Shitty Hair you're fucking dead," I growl at them both as I cross my arms.

"Come on dude! Obviously, there is something on your mind, I can see it," Dunce Face says as he moves his hands oddly around my face. I then try to bite his hands as it comes in front of my face, he pulls his hands away. "Geez, you really are like an angry pomeranian."

"HUH?" I shout as I stand up and try to punch him but Shitty Hair gets in the way with his quirk.

"Bakubro would you please tell us?" Shitty Hair says as I sit back down.

"I would be fine with just telling you but that thing is here," I tell him as I point to Dunce Face.

"Oh come on, now I'm a thing to you. What does a man have to do to get respect?" Dunce Face says with a heavy sigh.

"You're fine Bakubro, just tell us," Shitty Hair says sitting... ON MY FUCKING DESK AGAIN!

"Ugh, alright!" I shout as I shove Shitty Hair off my desk. I tell them everything, from what happened during saving Izuku to my panicked state. I also told them about this morning since Dunce Face saw us and wouldn't leave me the fuck alone about it.

Throughout everything I said the two dumbasses eyes kept getting wider and wider, soon I was finished and their mouths were just left wide open. "You're going to catch flies in those mouths of yours if you don't fucking shut them," I tell them as I rest my head on my hand.

"Oh my gosh, bro..." Shitty Hair finally says after a too long of a wait.

"Dude, after you and Midoriya hang out more and become friends again. Will you go out with him? He is your string right?" Dunce Face asks as he leans on my desk more.

I stay quiet as I stare directly at my desk, "...Shit, I didn't think that far," I say in a state on shock. Both of the idiots look at each other then at me, they both start laughing their heads off. But they soon stop since Mr. Aizawa enters the classroom and tells them to shut up and go to their seats.

Shit... I don't fucking know what to do now.

I have some really good ideas for this story, after the next chapter is where my big idea comes in. Expect jealously, LOOOOOTS of anger, and Midoriya being the clueless cinnamon roll he is. Also, sorry in advance for those who like...

Haha thought I would tell you. Yeahhhhhhh no, just wait until it comes, I'm just saying sorry in advance. Anyways thanks for reading, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1522

The Polaroid | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now