Part 8: The Plan

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I enter the classroom, all eyes are on me. I growl as I go and sit in my desk, all the eyes leave me and the extras soon start talking amongst themselves. "Morning Bakubro," Shitty Hair says as he walks up to my desk.

"What do you want?" I ask not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"What do you think happened to our string?" he asks pulling a chair up to my desk.

"I know what happened," I tell as he sits down.

"Really? Tell me!" he says ready to hear what I got to say.

"It's a disease called double red. It runs in my dad's side of the family and gets passed down by birth, it makes a second-string appear if anyone without a string likes you and that you have the disease," I tell him as he nods along.

"What made it disappear then?" he asks as I let out a sigh.

"That's was on your part I think, here I'll tell you three ways it can disappear then you have to say which it was," I tell him as he nods. "Reason one, you don't have feelings for me anymore. Reason two, your string appeared making this one vanish. Reason three, you confessed to me and I immediately said no."

"Hmm... well you didn't say no when I confessed to you and my string hasn't appeared yet. To be honest, I think it's cause I had a thought last night," he tells me.

"Tell me, I'm getting impatient," I almost shout at him.

"I thought that since you and Midoriya have a string you would like him, then when I saw you after Midoriya got kidnapped I knew you felt something for him. So I made the determination to give up on you and I want to help you find those feelings towards Midoriya," Shitty Hair whispers.

"YOU CAN'T JUST TELL ME WHAT MY DAMN FEELINGS ARE!" I yell at him as he laughs.

"That's just more proof that there are some hidden feelings," he says after he stops laughing. The bell rings and Mr. Aizawa enters the classroom, Shitty Hair goes back to his seat.

"So, us teachers and other heroes are looking for Midoriya as we speak. I can tell there is some unease in this classroom but we can ensure that Midoriya is safe, we found out who the villains are and Midoriya won't be harmed," Aizawa tells us as most the class lets out a deep breath. "They are trying to lure someone out."

"Who?" Mina and a few others ask.

It's me.

"It's Bakugo," he tells them.

"BAKUGO?!" the majority of the class shouts.

"Yes, now Bakugo go to principal Nezu," Aizawa demands, I roll my eyes and stand up. I leave the classroom and go to principal Nezu who is with a few others, All Might, Midnight, Present Mic, Mount Lady, and Kamui Woods.

"Hello Bakugo, come sit down," principal Nezu says, I sit next to All Might. "Now, All Might told me this but I want you to say it Bakugo, along with stuff you noticed about the villains."

I knew exactly what All Might told him, it's best if I say everything. "Deku or Izuku is my soulmate. One of the villains which I met before yesterday has the ability to see strings. Two of them have smoke quirks, one has dark grey smoke and the other yellow, the yellow smoke put Izuku to sleep. There were two girls one has a speed quirk which All Might couldn't catch up to, the other I don't know I just heard her voice," I tell them.

"So that's just four people out of eight that we know the quirks of," Mount Lady says twirling her hair.

"Yes and that's fine," Kamui Woods says as he wants to hear the plan.

"So, based on that we'll go with plan A," principal Nezu says. "Bakugo we're going to use you as bait, hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind, but I might not be best for that," I tell him.

"I know, but your anger will work well for this. You're going to go there supposably by yourself, we'll be behind you. Once they fully take you as bait we'll attack, you and Midnight are going to go pass and find Midoriya. That is plan A," principal Nezu explains.

I smirk, "Doesn't sound bad," I say as everyone nods along.

"I'm not very fond of using a student as bait but it's the best we got," All Might says as everyone stands up.

"Hold on," principal Nezu says as everyone sits back down. "We have heroes on the outside searching for their hideout, until then you all will be teaching your classes. Mount Lady and Kamui Wood are going to be in the school as well. Once I have heard of their whereabouts I will announce over the school's intercom 'It's a go' all teachers will leave their classes and Bakugo you'll leave class too. All teachers will know about this, no students are allowed to know about this."

"So if I leave in the middle of class none of my teachers will question it?" I ask and principal Nezu nods.

"Who'll take over our classes, dude?" Present Mic asks.

"The homeroom teachers, none of you are homeroom teachers so it'll be fine," principal Nezu says as we stand up again. "That'll be all, see you all later."

"Right," everyone shouts as we leave the room. I go back to class, it was quiet so we are doing some sort of assignment. The paper is already on my desk so I read over it, simple scenario multiple choice thing with hero crap.

Soon principal Nezu stands in the door, Mr. Aizawa leaves the classroom and I assume principal Nezu is telling him the plan. I continue to work on the assignment, Aizawa comes back in and soon crawls into his sleeping bag.

After his class came Midnight's class, she gave us a group project to work on which I hated! I was stuck with Dunce Face, Earphone girl, pink cheeks, Glitter Fuck, and Deku was supposed to be in our group too.

Then came math with Ectoplasm, which is honestly easy. He just taught us what we needed to know before he let us do a bunch of questions in a booklet before lunch. Most of the class worked together for the questions in the booklet, but I worked alone which isn't much of a surprise.

At lunch, I was with the stupid dorks once again, I didn't talk to them much they mostly talked about stupid shit. I got to eat mostly in peace, except they were being noisy fucking extras! I felt like throwing my food at them but that would just be a waste of food.

After lunch was training with All Might, but instead of All Might, we had Mr. Aizawa. All Might must be saving his energy, I should do the same but I want to train and get better. The training was easier than normal for some reason, maybe cause it's not All Might. But I would think Aizawa would be harder on us then All Might.

Then came the last class, English with Present Mic. I never look forward to that class, it's too over the top and loud. Dunce face is one of the few that look forward to it, it may be that Present Mic is also quite chill with somethings. "It's a go," I hear on the intercom.

Present Mic and I look at each other, I stand up and Present Mic and I walk out of the room as Mr. Aizawa walks into the room. "Good luck, get Midoriya back," is all Aizawa says.

"Go get your hero costume on my dude! We gotta go so be quick!" Present Mic shouts. I nod and quickly sprint off to the changing rooms, I get into my costume as fast as I can. I look at my gauntlets, they are too big I'll leave them here.

I run out of the changing rooms and meet the teachers at the front of the school. "Ok, we're all here, Mr. Brave found the hideout and is waiting for us there. He'll be accompanying us since he was after them before us, he knows our plan. Now let's head out!" Principal Nezu says as he points forward. "Bakugo the address is ___ go ahead of us."

"HELL YEAH!" I yell as I run ahead using my blasts to make me go faster.

I'm so happy! I just reached 1K reads on my BakuDeku, Dorm Party story! If you haven't already go check it out, there is also my BakuDeku, Can I Be A Hero... Kacchan? story too (it has villain Deku!) Anyways, thanks for reading, Virgo 100% out✌🏻 

Word count: 1477

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