Part 9: Polaroid Three | I HAVE DEKU!

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I stop in front of the building with the address, I stand there and wait for a buzz in my pocket that will signal me to knock on the door. I already know what I want to say when that door opens, I was thinking it through during my classes today. I felt a small buzz in my pocket, I knock on the door. More like bang on it. "OI! Give Deku back right now you fuckers!" I yell in hopes that Deku can also hear me.

"Ah! Bakugo, you're finally here," the guy that I met at the store says as he opens the door.

"Yes, it took me a while to find this damn place! NOW GIVE HIM BACK!" I yell right in his face making him step back with his hands up a little.

"Woah, woah! No need to get so angry, we will give him back on one condition," he says with a smirk as the speed girl and another guy steps behind him.

"I knew there would be a catch, what is it?" I ask slightly more calm now.

"Straight to the point, I like you. Now..." he holds out scissors right where my string is.

"OI!" I yell ready to grab him, he closes the scissors slightly and I stop in an instant. "Fuck!"

"You are going to do inside work for me in UA. You see, we are associated with the new found group called the League Of Villains. You haven't met them yet, but it won't be long until you do. I just need to get some information for the leader and what better than to use a student? Am I right?" he says while smirking.

"Your sick to think I would do something like that for a old fucking man such as yourself," I spit at him as his smirk fades.

"Kenta, go-" before the man in front of me could finish his sentence a loud noise comes from behind me.

"NOW!" I hear principal Nezu shout. The people in front of me look clueless as a bunch of heroes come and start fighting them, Midnight soon comes and stands beside me.

"Midnight, I have an idea," I tell her as she looks at me.

"What is it?" she asks ready to hear a good plan.

"I'm going to throw you in and you're going to release your quirk on those damned bastards!" I tell her as she frowns at this.

"I don't like that idea, I don't want to be thrown," she says as she crosses her arms.

"Think about it, the more distance you get in there, the better I can enter without having a problem with your quirk," I tell her with not a whole lot of information.

"Hmm... you have a point, fine but throw me nicely, if you can that is," she says uncrossing her arms.

"OK!" I shout as I pick her up. I walk past the fights and into the building, I throw Midnight down the long hallway. I cover my mouth just in case it wasn't far enough, but luckily it was and she also landed perfectly.


"KA-!" I hear from a room.

"Shut it, broccoli kid!" I hear a man shout. I run to the room I heard both voices come from, I slam the metal door open using my quirk. The minute I enter I held my breath, it's the yellow smoke guy.

"Smart aren't you? But I bet you can't fight me holding your breath like that!" he says with a lot of cockiness in his tone. I run up to him and punch him then with my other hand I send an explosion right at his head. He gets knocked out in an instant, I look at Deku. That damn guy used his quirk on him to make him shut up, he's now sleeping.

I undo the straps around his arms and legs, I pick him up and run out of the room. I get to the door, I finally let out my breath and shout "I HAVE DEKU!" I leave the building and avoid all the fights with the villains.

The Polaroid | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now