The King and the Queen

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Tae was left alone in the room once the trumpets announced the arrival of the young prince. R.M and Hobi were not able to meet him as they were called from home, same happened to others. 

The prince didn’t came in the room. Tae was in mood to kill any one. He roamed around his large room with a frown on his forehead.The door was knocked gently. He opened the door viciously but the very next thing made him want to drown in puddle of shame.

“ohh my… what an energetic youth!”a joyful husky voice made his head hang even lower but a soft hand found its way under his chin and he was standing face to face with the royal couple. 

The king and the Queen. And he thought it would be that masked freak.

“Oh my! Why is our little prince so sad?.” the queen softly caressed his cheek and he was lost in shame once again. “please….uhhh ” he got terribly confused and wiggled his arms in air aimlessly.
The king laughed at his silly manner and wraps an arm around his shoulder “ you seem troubled young man! its fine. We are family now”and pats his shoulder and the queen mumbled” as much we expected a princess but it turned out to be a prince. Isn’t it adorable? Now we have two sons” and giggled. 

”c’mon let me show you around I know our prince had not offered you with any-thing nice did he little one?” the king wrapped his arm around Tae and took him out.
The king was being very informal with him and Tae relaxed in his company. The Queen kept holdong his hand and talked about his parents.   The king took him to the gardens and Tae’s mouth opened with amusement. He never came across any beauty as that. He involuntarily took deep breathe in and his eyes dazzled while looking at the beautiful gift of nature laying in front of him. 

The king watched him carefully and smiled “ I am sorry you had to leave all your life priorities like this” V’s head shot up and he looked at the king confused as the Queen continued” you had friends, goals , love but this changed your whole life” they were walking along the artificial lake which enhanced the charm of the night. “but it’s like a nature’s rule son!  you will understand this” king’s caring manner built the respect for the elder in V’s heart” soon we will visit your parents and you have my permission to keep doing your previous job, that is.. if you want it…’

“yes your highness thank you. I appreciate it.” V bluntly spoke and gets shy after being so loud all of the sudden. The king laughed whole heartedly and hugged him “ boy I like you very much you are not bad heh..hahaha at least you will teach that son of mine some manner of living heartily” the king patted his head. V’s attention diverted, as a fire fly passed by. his eyes glowed and the soft sweet night breeze relaxed his tensed muscles. The Queen had his eyes on him the whole time. 

“ thank you your highness” V hung his head courteously but the king straighten him with both hands.

”father…call me father little one. You belong with us now” the king’s assuring smile flattered his heart. The king bid him good night and left Taehyung with beautiful Queen.
She patted his chest lightly” oh and just between the two of us” she whispers softly gaining all the attention of the little bean ” how did you liked my son?"
Tae blushed the way she inquired and she laughed. Just like any other mother who adores their children"don't worry. You guys will be fine. And a little advise my baby, as I too had to go through all this process, never go after unveiling his mask. Go after his heart. And build trust. And everything will be fine darling"
A not so innocent glint shimmered in tae's eyes and a naughty smirk displayed on his lips "really mother"
The Queen chuckled and kissed his forehead" best of luck my little prince"
"Thank you mother!"

 And everything will be fine darling"A not so innocent glint shimmered in tae's eyes and a naughty smirk displayed on his lips "really mother" The Queen chuckled and kissed his forehead" best of luck my little prince""Thank you mother!"

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So guys how are you liking the story and be patient I know some chps are going to be boring but trust me. Good things are just around the corner 😉
I purple you all💜💜💜💜


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