ray of hope

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“ aaish I am coming hold the bell who came this early hey STOP THE FREAKING BELL I AM COMI.. tae?” kookie opened the door with angry red eyes, first he never wanted to bet on the amount of shots he could survive with jimin and second he forgot he could have heavy hangover after the heavy drinking to let down evil mochim. Now his head felt like being hammered by thousands of hammers, third he never saw Taehyung looked so wrecked and frightened in his whole life. And this boiled his blood.

As the door opened, V hugged kookie hard and started crying bitterly. 

“ taetae what happened? What’s wrong?? V?” kookie rubbed his back and found him crying even harder. “o ok let’s go in…” he took weeping little prince to the lounge and sat him on the couch. His keen eyes examined him and his thumping brain heated up with fury. Mud was all over his clothes, he was wet from some places and there was fresh blood.

“Tae! Where have you been?”kookie hissed .”who did this to you?”



“ GOD ! JEON JUNGKOOK! CAN’T YOU LET PEOpLE HAVE SOME PEACE?? HUH tae?” yoongi stopped ranting at kookie as he saw tae in wrecked condition. “what happened?” he held him in his embrace and softly pated his hair,” how do I know he is crying like this the moment he came here, and his clothes.”

“oh my god tae what are you doing here you were supposed to be at breakfast date with jewel?’jimin came out of his dark room and hugged weeping V. kookie was getting out of control now. “gosh did that JEWEL did something to you??” V’s head shot up and he growled “DON’T SAY AYTHING ABOUT HIM OR I’LL RIPP YOU”

Kookie was shocked, after hard work of whole half an hour, he got this!! Great!

“so what exactly happened??”jimin softly spoke but yoongi told him to be quiet “first thing first, jiminie, take him to bathroom and help him clean up, kook, come along we need to fix some grubs.” he took suspicious worried bunny out with him and left VMIN in the dorm.

After some time, V decided to speak. “we were having perfect time(sob)” he wrinkled his nose and wiped a stray tear from his cheek” and then… then when we were gonna… gonna have some real good time( stares in space) he got shot”

“haaphh” jimin gasped and held V’s hand comfortingly. After a good piece of silence, V continued” he told me we were attacked and saved my life, but they shoot him, I …I just hope, he is ok and…ooh jimin, if if something happened to him…I .. I don’t know what to do” he covers his face with his both hands and start crying again. Jimin rubbed his back soothingly. 

“you know, I dunno what happened to me, I think, he might be disgusted at me”

“why so?” Jimin looked at him

“I… I umm… I kissed him when he got shot, I mean when he hid me under bushes…uh…b. but I had to be brave b. but instead… I kissed him out of blue and…and…” his eyes dilated and felt offended when Jimin let out his loud laughter “YAAAH SHUT UP I’M DYING HERE AND you are throwing a fit here”

“I doubt that you saw his face huh…” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and he blushed, he looked so cute all teary and dirty, still looking gorgeous with such a pretty blush on his face.

“I … I didn’t saw his face” , “then you felt his lips huh?”

“sh. Shut up Jimin I … yeah I do remember how they felt like”

“there you go, how were they?”, “they…” and his face lit up with harsh blush and lips turned bright red. 

“um hum that what I thought, c’mon then, let’s get you clean up pretty boy” Jimin took him to the bathroom to get clean. “and what happened to the ball?” Jimin asked with curiosity. “it never happened.” V spoke and something hit his head

 Jewel, the light squeeze on his back… it felt like… 

“V? you ok?” Jimin asked as V’s eyes were horribly open wide…

“chim…”he chirped excitedly” I think I know who Jewel is!!!” his eyes twinkled and his lips displayed a beautiful smile.  

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