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As the evening approached and sunshine faded into beautiful colors of night, the castle was lit with attractive lighting and stunning floral arrangement shocked the earthlings. The royal guests arrived and they were anticipating the exhibit of the new royal member of the melburry state. 

“Do I look good??? I should look good, he should gasp… no he should drool as he sees me,” talking to himself, V fixed his hair and watched himself critically in the mirror. The royal outfit fit him perfectly. He looked more ethereal than ever. 

 A graceful smile appeared on his face at the gentle knock on his door. He hurried to the door and giggled ,”Jewel!” but to his dismay, it was a trio of young beautiful maidens.

“Dear prince! Their royal highnesses are waiting for you” one of the girls spoke between giggles. 

“alright, Oh I almost forgot!” he turned hastily and grabbed the dim gold jade and pulled it around his neck. He walked through the auras of stunned flowers and reached the entrance of the ball where the prince stood awaiting. 

 And he gasped… he swore that he gasped with his mouth wide open and eyes widen… the face was in the jeweled dark veil but O MY LOORRRD!!!!

 The one who tried to impress, fell hard for the other, more like fell deep in to ditches on his face in the hollow of eyes behind the mask. He was stunned by the royal grace standing in front of him. 

 He forgot he had to shoot him down with his killer charm, but as soon as the prince offered his dark gloved hand to the younger, he was shamelessly watching him with his eyes wide open and mouth gaped. He had promised himself that he won’t accept to see him, that he will not spare a glance, but there he was staring at the guy and smashing all his promises at just one sight of the prince. 

The prince held his hand softly and delicately snaked an arm around his shoulders. V gulped at the sudden closeness and the price, he might have laughed softly at the nervous little prince

“Are you nervous princess? “ hold on the shoulder shifted to his waist as they entered the hall. ”I will be by you side the whole time” the prince was quick to read the younger. “huh as if you care…”V scoffed, showing his anger to Jewel. Jewel brings his mouth near V’s ears making him shiver “I…DO…CARE” he whispers in his dominating manner. 

   The arrival of new royal couple was announced and the desperate crowd gasped in astonishment. The beauty and power the couple emitted was too much to handle..

( and I lost my vocabulary ehehehe)

“relax princess, their staring eyes are momentary” Prince’s reassuring voice somehow relaxed his stiff body muscles and he attended to every guest humbly with chin raised and lips smiling.

The new royal couple was accepted by all. They blessed and praised the young couple. The night passed with glittering glamour and soon the party ended.

Taehyung was still held in the prince’s arms and he was getting bored. Why the heck is he looking at some stupid flower girl and not me??? ME??? He looked at his jewel with a pout and then the most terrible thing occurred which shattered his heart 

Jewel let him go and rushed towards the long haired blonde who had flowers all around her. His heart broke. Not even once the prince gazed at him. He excused himself and ran out of the ball room. 


 A storm of rage and grief grasped his heart and he fell on his knees. Few dew drops dell from his eyes and he found himself in the gardens under cheery blossoms. He snatched the silk cape and threw it on the ground. He didn’t know that he was crying bitterly. 

Why was it so hard to get his attention? He worked so hard… he wanted just one comment from his jewel. 

‘I SHOULD DIE…I AM A FAILIAR….’  he was so indulge in crying his heart out that he could not notice something.

“ Kim taehyung?” suddenly some one particular wrapped his arms around him..

“go away, don’t look at me, I am disgusting” V slaps his arms away but failed to do so, his eyes refilled with tears and he cried helplessly in his embrace.

“I can’t see why my presence can be over whelming?” Jewel wiped his tears and pats the weeping boy’s head softly. He shook his head fast. the prince caressed his wet cheeks with his gloved hand, ”are you tired?” the concern in his voice swelled V’s heart.  “Say something princess”

“DON’T DARE CALL ME THAT” the prince was shocked” I AM NOT YOUR PRINCESS NOT NEVER…” V snatched the accessories off himself and threw it on the ground while vigorously crying, “how much should I try jewel?? How much? You never care for me jewel…you never did… you were never there for me… you know how frustrating it is to live with a person you never seen but he turns out to know you so well and you have to guess his identity! You have no idea what I am going through, unveil you! Bullshit … ” he was crying and blabbering non sense. He felt wasted. The prince took him in his hold again and patted his head slowly. He let the little prince weep. They stayed like that for a while until Tae’s storming cries turned into soft sobs. He was clinging to his shoulder. 

“taehyung I never wanted you to unveil me”, his fingers traveled in V’s silk hair. Prince’s soft touch was comforting and his voice was soothing.

“ then what do you want?” V tilted his head a little and complained, “why am I supposed to live with a masked man, is there something wrong with your face??” he was curiously asking. The prince shrugged his shoulder, ”maybe but…how do feel around me?” his fingers stopped, he felt V’s hot breathes fanning over his neck.

“ I feel fine, even though, I don’t know who you are, but still, you seem to know me very well and you seem familiar to me jewel” he stares in his eyes, not separating a bit, “you are nice and friendly, but I don’t understand why do you have to cover your face only for me?” 

“ that is the disadvantage of not attending history classes” jewel pinched his pink nose and adoringly hugged him, ”the point here is” snuggling V deep in his embrace who was not bothered at all, rather relaxed, “you must recognize and understand your soul mate rather caring about the looks of your partner. His attitude and care towards you is more important, how equally he takes you, how much he care for you, how much he understands you, and so living in perfect harmony… I don’t want us to be like our parents who have a fake smile on their faces. I want us to be happy on the inside. Taehyung, please, think wisely about me. I don’t want to disrespect my love” 

  “ I… don’t know what to say Jewel” V’s puffy voice emerged out after a while and jewel sighs. “and also every- one does not have sexy partner like me so you should be thankful to me Mr.” 

Listening to V’s sharp words he giggled, making Tae dive in pool of confusion, ‘man that sounds so familiar’…

”ooohhh now I get it, my little prince is JAELOUS!!!!” Jewel ruffled his silky hair. 

 “ no I am not” V puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms,” boy I can smell something burning already” jewel squishes his cheeks and carried him in his arms despite his yelling and hugs him hard and whispers in his ears ”don’t worry princess, there is no one that is more attractive to me than you” then he paces Tae on the ground and puts the silk cape around V’s shoulders and helps V put on the accessories that he had thrown on the ground earlier. 

“ let’s forget about everything and let the night be ours” at his words V’s heart jumped in his throat and weird excitement took over him” for I shall not be available due to some work, I don’t want you to cry over me again, understand!” jewel squishes his cheeks.

“ yeshh, but…” V held his hands and his gaze wavered “ can I …”his heart shakes with an unknown feeling.  

                        “ hum???”

           “ can I… can I kiss you?”

Hi guys here is the new chapter. Share comment and vote I hope you love it.
I purple you all💜💜💜💜💜💜

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