cup of coffee

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Then the tail sulked after a tall kim….

Stalked him like for-ever and plopped on a box on the road. 

‘ what if he doesn’t like me at all’

‘ am I ugly?’

‘no, I can’t be can I ?’

‘I should call him at least’ his train of thoughts were broken when some-one tapped his shoulder, he jumped and almost knocked off the head of the person ”oh hyung it’s you!” his boxy smile automatically appeared at sight of Jin.

 “what the hell are you doing here in the mall at this hour?” but tae didn’t expected his hyung to get angry at him like that. He hung his head and mouthed a ‘I was bored’.

“nst kid, people are getting kidnapped these days, come on I’ll take you home” Jin held his cold hand in his warm hand, ”seriously tae? what were you doing here? And you are not WEARING ANY JACKET!!! SHEESH” he quickly put him under his jacket and just then tae realized how cold it was outside and he only wore a shirt. His lips tug downwards. ‘great now I made jin hyung mad at me, now he will rant at me for eternity’ 

“hyung home is that way” tae spoke softly hoping to get yelled at again, ‘this hyung is so irritated these days just because of that bitc… uhmm.. that woman’ his mind trailed off once again. He looked at jin who was quietly walking, holding his hand in his, wearing a turtle neck. He looked troubled. Say how long has it been since jin talked to him? 

“say hyung,”


“can we, uh… get some hot drink?”

“hum, that’s where I am taking you” jin smiled a little but he looked so tired. V’s heart sank ‘marriage is a real bitch’

Soon they entered a small café and ordered their drinks. They sat face to face with their drinks. Both silently stared at smoke of their drinks. V glanced at Jin and cleared his throat. Jin was busy looking out of the thick glass. V bit his lips with a little smirk and slowly held his hand in his once again. Jin’s head moved slightly towards tae and he smiled. Tae could not stop his giggle “gosh man what is so serious going on in this empty head of your?”


“sheesh nothing never bothered you, what’s up?’

“I’ll tell you”


“When I feel necessary”

“And when is the necessary?”

“When I feel like it”

“Ugh hyung you are annoying”

“And how dare you are getting pretty day by day?  It’s like you put a spell on yourself to look this charming” jin moves Tae’s bangs away from his eyes softly with his finger and the younger giggles” gosh jewel says that all the time, say hyung, you know what?”

“ hum?”

“ jewel is a kim too”

“ yeah?”

“so are you by chance my kim?”

“ no I have been taken, try the grumpy one” 

“ no”

“ why tae? he could be any kim, why are you being so into the kim thing in us all of sudden”

“ because…”

“Aish there you two goofs are! Do ya know how hard safety is now a days, do ya” just then namjoon plops besides V and he feels his belly do a flip flop with excitement. “ hyung can I get ya something?”

“ hu? No thank you just do me a favor and please march straight to home and run if you find some-thing suspicious as we are being haunted by…”

“ joon calm down man, listen tae, he is right, we really are in danger right now so be a good kid, grab hands with your…err what do you call her… the private guard, yeah what-ever, grab her hand, don’t stop by any candy truck or candy man and go to sleep when you get home ok?”

“ what about you guys?”

“ yoongi joon and I have to look some-things so be at home and please don’t let that brat outta house”


“yeah now run along home shu” 

They watched as tae sluggishly went outside. R.M sighed” unbelieve-able hyung..”

“namjoon go after him please, I’ll be joining you later. Go” R.M gritted his teeth ”yes mister kim” and leaves. Jin kills a naughty giggle under his throat and he sprints put of the café after another mysterious shadow.  

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