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He looked around and when he made sure he was alone, he made the call,

“yeah he is fine… yeah just scared… hum…don’t worry. I’ll keep check on him bye” he hung up as quickly as he made the call.


J hope got out of the bathroom with bathrobe and a tail…

The tail sneaked peek here and there and trailed after dancing hobi to his room. J.hope undid the robe, unaware of existence of the TAIL and the tail gasped. Hobi’s head swept back with terror. He yelled with embarrassed red face and threw pillows at Tae..

“YO PERVET GET THE HELL OUT NOW…” but V was up to something, so he didn’t lose another second and hopped on yelling Hope. Hobi’s head hit the soft bed and next he knew, Tae straddled his lap “ YAGH TAEHUN… WHAT THE ACTUAL…”

“SHUsshh hobi quit yelling, like I am going to..”

“THEN PISS OFF YA BRAT”  but Tae stole his next breath, he leaned sown super close to Hobi’s face with most unreal devilish smile, chanting ‘I got you now’, their noses touching and hobi felt his face turning redder. After terrorizing Hobi enough, he nuzzled his nose in crook of his neck and hugged him. Hobi let out a shaky breath and patted his head rather harshly” I dunno what the heck you are thinking, but you do this with your hubby idiot”

Tae chuckled softy ”well that’s what I am doing” j hope’s head jerked up “what..the..”

“umm don’t play idiot to me stupid, I know exactly what game are you playing with me” tae was getting out of hands and hobi’s head was clouded with both confusion and sudden shamelessness of his own mind. His lips trembled “w.what game?” he spits out enduring Tae’s devilish aura and soft touches all over his neck. 

V smiled and whispered in his ears “nst you thought that I am the idiot and I won’t be able to un-vail you” hope looked at him like he had lost his mind. “look you little shit, I damn care… whoa whoa shs…” tae dived in and placed his lips on hobi’s moist lips softly, hobi froze but then grabbed Tae harshly and threw him on floor ”taehyung get out”

“NO” he cling to hobi once again “how cruel you are to make your mate suffer” another soft kiss implanted on hobi’s bare shoulder and hobi grabbed him by his hair and got confused at younger’s pleased expression “I am not your god damn mate” he separated himself from V . Tae quickly holds him and threw him on bed harshly” don’t fool me hobi, I know it’s you” hobi squeezed his eyes with confusion “What? Who? ” V hissed with agony and presses his lips together “look enough with this hide and seek..wait where …where is your jade? You always put it on?”his hands travel all over his chest and collar bones for the jade but hobi slapped his hands off “what jade?”

“WHAT JADE?” he yelled anxiously at hope’s face who spat back aggressively “YAAAAAAH WHAT JADE?????.. AHHHH HELP ME SOME ONE PLEASE THIS KID IS CRAZY AAAAAAAAHH” hobi struggled under his grip, wondering how and when he got this strong? 


 J hope stopped struggling at once and looked at Tae with red angry eyes, now he understood what was happening and despite of his extreme rage, he burst out laughing. Tae got confused. Hobi took advantage of his spacing out and with a jerk turned tae under him, pinning his hands on either side on his head. Then softly spoke ”tae, you don’t know who your jewel is?” 

Tae turned into innocent puppy and nodded his head “it’s you isn’t it?”hobi would be lying if he said he was not enchanted by those sparkly eyes, he let out a sigh “tae, isn’t your prince a kim?”

“ehh??” tae felt his heart drop… a kim… 

A KIM????



Guess jewel was right about him being the cute idiot thing… 

Hobi let him go and started covering himself up. Then a terrible realization hit tae and he was so embarrassed to meet hobi’s soft gaze. Hobi understood him and held him in a comforting hug ”hey hey don’t cry, its ok”

“I …am…I thought it was you” tae covered his face, he was so embarrassed. J hope was kind enough and didn’t teased him, he wrapped his arms around tae and played with his messy hair“ no, it’s not me sugar bum, but ...uh..”

Right at the moment, Jimin barged in and shrieked with the most terrible face ever “TAE WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING IN HIS LAP, GET OFF GET OFF NOW” he pulled tae off hobi’s lap and slapped his head. “hey what did I do?” tae was already a crying mess.

‘’ hobi hyung he did something stupid didn’t he?” little mochi was furious at his idiot friend “well he and I ….” Hobi continued with a naughty smirk. It was enough to fuel Jimin and hobi loved the little fight they always had. Tae pleaded with most pretty puppy eyes “no no no no jiminieeeee” but a little fist attacked tae’s head like a bullet ”I THINK I TOLD YOU THAT ITS NOT HIM BUT NO YOU…”

Hobi holds V in his arms lovingly and defends the poor thing “that’s not his fault jimin, quit it, his prince allowed him to look for him so he can carry on his search in his way” hobi pats his head lovingly ”and besides, that heartless prince should get a punishment for making our tae so desperate” hobi chuckled at crimson cheeks of younger. V separated himself from hobi and pouts “yaah I am not desperate, I am just curious, I am going to sleep, thanks for saving me from trouble hyung” he smiled and sulked out of the room. 

Jimin looked at hobi “what are we gonna do? He is getting depressed day by day…” hobi shrugged his shoulders “well it’s his fault, he should give him a hint”. Jimin plopped on the soft couch “he gave him the biggest hint”

“that he stayed with him, yah can you imagine how confusing this shit is?”hobi makes a guess while brushing his messy wild hair.

“and he is injured too…” jimin twerks his eye brows a little


“he hasn’t come home for like a month…” another hint…

“wh…wat…” hobi’s eyes enlarged and he stopped combing and plops near Jimin, listening to him carefully, Jimin scoots nearer and whispers like he was delivering a very deadly news “and that he has a lot of work out of the dorm and…”

“ so it’s its him??” after listening to him, hobi grabbed Jimin by his shoulders with excitement. Jimin lets out a cute laugh and shakes his head “hell yeah, and that idiot can’t see difference in the gazes. If he is not absorbed in the ‘how to unveil jewel’ shit, he could have seen softness for himself in those eyes”

J hope let out a surprised shriek and hopped on his feet ”so he is using a mask just to annoy him”

“no hyung, he wants tae to come close to him, closer to his heart and he is afraid that…”

“..that Tae would hate him if he knows its him? right?”

“hum yeah”

“you know what?”


“they are both idiots”

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