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When he opened his eyes, it was dark and he remembered the past events. He felt stupid. He slaps his face with frustration and got up. He looked around there was no sign of the prince.

” pfft need a friend, a companion heh” he mocked prince’s words and was about to lay on bed again when a sweet melody stopped him. 

“where is this coming from??” he got out of his room barefooted. 



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The melody led him to one of the gardens, it was beautiful. The moon light was playing hide and seek with the thick shade of the old oak. And there sat a figure playing the flute. His feet involuntarily moved forward and he sat at a distance from the figure. The flute stopped and a mysterious silence crept in between them. V saw as the figure came towards him

 man he was tall!!

“ my little prince liked the flute hum?” the prince stood in front of him and V gulped, numerous tiny sweat drops appeared on his forehead. The prince was not wearing the mask he could see who was it…but his head hung down. 


The prince crouched in front of him” night is beautiful isn’t it taehyung? It brings mysterious pleasures with it. The darkness it-self is a bliss” the prince was so into the flow that he didn’t noticed that V unnoticeably scooted farther from him. V was busy bringing his madly exaggerated heart down and the poor prince was saying something else when a growl broke the blissful silence.

“ ehh….I think I am hungry….” 

“ come and I’ll feed my little prince” the prince cooed at the cute boy and held V’s hand and lead him to the kitchen. Tae felt different. He liked being with this mysterious being. He was so rude to him before. This new side was making him more curious. And a strange feeling float over his heart. He could not pin point it at all.

The prince took him to the huge kitchen, 'man jin hyung would love this place!'.

His train of thoughts left the trail and he noticed something, “hey you are not wearing any shoes!!” v exclaimed and earned a chuckle” says who is barefooted himself” V’s eyes traveled down to his own feet and a bubbly laughter escaped his mouth. The prince was looking straight at him, Tae let out an irritated growl ,the prince’s face was covered


“ aw was my princess expecting to cheat and sneak peek my face?” V didn’t notice how the prince was calling him pet names again.

Tae came to his senses when the prince sat with him” tae relax, we are not a formal romantic couple as long as you are not comfortable, besides I always wanted some-one younger and cuter than me ”the prince casually spoke and stuffed sandwich in V’s mouth.  

”why sho?? “


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“ to tease of course” the prince already finished his sandwich and pinched V’s nose who babbled non sense after wards. 

“let’s go to dad’s gardens you will love that” he grabbed V’s hand and without warning and tugged him along. They both ran around barefooted. It was the funniest and most cheerful night V experienced. He enjoyed prince’s company.

He was full of energy and popped a joke after joke making him breathless with laughter. But then he wondered, why the king wished the prince to be lively when he was already so fun? This guy was puzzle under puzzle and he was getting more interestiby.

Hello lovely readers. I hope you enjoy the story. Share comment and vote.
I purple you all💜💜💜
By the way... Any guesses who the prince is???

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