breakfast and what else!

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Tae entered the dining room but found it empty. He was surprised and was ready to leave the room but a black piece of paper grabbed his attention. He plucked it off from the table cloth and read it. And a smile graced his face. He shoved the paper in his pocket and raced towards his ‘secret hideout’.

He reached there with heavy breath and red face. He literally raced to the spot. His heart was creating a whole new set of melody which he could not decipher. He stood right there, holding his uneasy breathe and then marched to where jewel was but his lips tug downwards when he found nothing there. He was thinking where to go now….

“ oh princess you are late, and what are you wearing??” Tae’s head turned towards the direction of voice and his cheeks heated up. It’s not that he was a shy little puppy or he had never seen hot people in his life, it’s just he never experienced being treated like a soulmate with one. His gaze was fixed at jewel’s combat suit. The bow stuck between his shoulders and the sword in the belt around his waist…hell where were the guns and bullets???
“aye I get it I am sexy but my stomach is growling like mad, come, hop on your horse and let’s go” he commanded the star-struck V and he smiled…perhaps …

“ I..u..ummm…there is no horse” V mumbled, trying to overcome his shyness and embarrassment. “ oh I see, how cruel, we have to ride along”  with a soft click of his tongue, the horse moved towards Tae and jewel held out his hand to V, who was watching him as if he was in a dream. “ hey don’t worry, you have all day to watch me like this” his husky voice made his cheeks glow even redder, don’t know why, and then instead of waiting for Tae’s hand, jewel just pulled him up and placed him carefully in front of him, like a delicate flower, like a fragile creature, which was weird to V , but right now, he loved the feeling of being treated like this,  being held so carefully, being able to hide his embarrassment in a strong chest. 

Jewel swung the bridle harshly and all of the sudden, the horse neighed and flew on the long marshy grass like a wind. The cool morning breeze flew past V’s closed eyes. the little bumps his body was making with jewel, made him feel a bit uncomfortable, man the suit was hard. 

“ princess look we have left past our castle” jewel’s elevated voice made him look around, and he gasped in awe. The bright blue sky above them blessed them with finest view ahead. The long grass around them waved gleefully and the sparrows chirped greetings humbly in their ears. “WOOOOOW” a sudden wave of excitement woke inside of him and braved the danger of making sudden turn towards the view and he howled with joy” FASTER JEWEL FASTER. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH I FEEL LIKE I AM FLYING” he raised his both arms wide and let the air take care of his flying bangs. “ ohh jewel this is beautiful , why haven’t we did this before???” he looked at the masked man behind him and chirped” this is amazing, ooh I wanna do this all the time” he threw himself back at jewel’s back with satisfied limbs but jewel had sworn to jeopardize his peace…” really? I thought watching me was amazing?” a sudden blush decorated Tae’s face and his heart did that crazy flip flop in his tight chest. He hit jewel’s chest playfully and the other chuckled “ n..not very true jewel” ‘man are you trying to kill me in one day’. 

“princess, I really don’t regret bringing you here but I really need to put off this delicate cloak from you.” The horse was steadily moving in the woods. Jewel gently removed V’s cloak off his shoulders. Tae looked at him and jewel’s eyes mated his. The time seemed to freeze. The softness and attraction in jewel’s eyes for him made him to want to snatch that dark leather mask from his face. Meanwhile a bird flew over their heads and their trance broke. Tae cursed that bird and jewel chuckled under his breathe. They tied the horse with the tree and slowly, hand in hand, walked towards the grassy plains. 

Tae was smiling ear to ear, maybe the atmosphere was getting on his nerves. They reached a hollow tree. Jewel squeezed his hand “so what do you want to eat?” Tae looked at him like the f**** there is something genuine to eat but then throws a smile at his direction” what can I say.. surprise me” he batters his eyelashes adoringly at the other.

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