How does Masamune finally win MC's heart? How many times did Ieyasu write Mitsunari in his hate list? What happens when Shingen gets stuck in a Christmas tree? Why does Kenshin have an obsession with a Star Wars Lightsaber? Who won the coronavirus w...
Oops... it's late! Hope you don't mind and enjoy!! 😅
#1. Costumes
MC: hey guys, let's dress up as the thing we are most scared of! *two hours later - everyone shows up dressed as Kenshin - Kenshin shows up dressed as Shingen Kenshin: am I the only one who took this seriously?
#2. Resolutions
Nobunaga: I resolve to beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces.
Hideyoshi: I resolve to help Nobunaga beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces while protecting Lord Nobunaga's oral health.
Ieyasu: I resolve to help Nobunaga beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces while protecting my sarcasm from the dangers of happiness.
Mitsunari; I resolve to help Nobunaga beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces while maintaining an atmosphere of positiveness and happiness.
Masamune: I resolve to beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces while being twice as reckless and stupid as last year.
Mitsuhide: I resolve to help Nobunaga beat the Takeda/Uesugi forces while being twice as lazy and suspicious as last year.
Takeda/Uesugi forces: ..... Takeda/Uesugi forces: we are all right here ya know.
#3. Movies
Shingen and Masamune: watching Twilight and secretly sizing up Edward
Nobunaga, Kennyo, Kenshin: Infinity wars and screaming insults whenever a character they like gets killed
Ieyasu and Mitsuhide: watching Sarcastic productions on YouTube and trying to look bored while secretly cracking up (Meghan did in fact bake an apple pie and set that thing on fire to warn her future husband that she will not, in fact, be baking apple pies.)
MC, Ranmaru, Mitsunari: Disney Movies *a whole new woooooooorld...... screaming musical notes intensifies
Sasuke and Yukimura: James Bond *dudu duuuu duuuu (theme) *leaping on the couches
Yoshimoto and Hideyoshi: Nailed It and at least every cake baking competition in the history of Netflix
#4: Quotes
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