Chapter Eight

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Adrienne sobbed as she was shoved back into the room. Lily wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close so that her head rested in the crook in Lily's neck. The three of them sat there the rest of the night, Lily holding Adrienne and Charlotte; Charlotte already sleeping in Lily's arms and Adrienne crying herself to sleep.

When Lily woke up, she had this weird feeling in my stomach. She felt as though it was twisting in knots, like a pretzel. Lily gently put Charlie down and woke up Adrienne so she could rush to the bathroom. When she was able to look up and catch her breath, she noticed Adrienne standing in the doorway, "how long has it been now, Lily?"

"I think two months. I'm not entirely sure; I've lost track of the time." Lily leaned back against the wall trying to cool down. "I don't want to be here and go through this anymore," she let slip past her lips in a moment of weakness. She didn't give Adrienne a chance to respond though, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

Adrienne closed the door behind her as she walked out of the room. Not questioning what Lily had said. Of course, she had known how long Lily had been gone, Jackson had been talking about it nonstop since she hadn't shown up to school almost two and a half months ago. Adrienne just wanted to know if Lily knew how long she'd been there. She felt bad for the poor girl though. Jackson had told her that something was up with her before she had gotten taken away, but she must have been put through so much mentally with being here and knowing what Nikolas had in store for her.

Lily's mind was racing as she got up and locked the bathroom door. She was thinking too much and for some reason, she was led back to thoughts of Jackson. He would be disappointed in me for letting this happen. She didn't know where the thought had come from, but she didn't like that it could have been true or the fact that she had that thought at all. She looked for the instrument that she had used the previous day, then cleaned up before joining the girls once again.

She looked at Charlie's sleeping form and took in the bruise forming on her face. How could anyone do that to a child? Lily thought to herself as her anger from the previous day came back tenfold. For the first time, I willingly stormed into the only room I knew to have been his. Half of the house made up his room, literally. The house was split in half, one half was the room the girls, Lily, and now Adrienne slept in, their small bathroom, and some other room that Lily had only been in once. The other half was his. His room, his bathroom, his closet, and Lily assumed an office of some sort.

"Are you insane?!" Lily yelled at him, furious that he's put his hands on one of his own kids.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to me like that?" Nikolas questioned; his voice was calm, but he was angry that she had barged into his personal space without his permission and questioned his mental state.

Lily ignored him though, she imagined that the anger he felt was nothing compared to the rage boiling inside of her in that moment. "A two-year old girl? What the hell is wrong with you? How could you do that?" The Man rushed up to Lily and slapped her across the face, then held her arms down as if he had known that Lily would retaliate this time.

"I do not have to explain myself to you!" Nikolas practically screamed at her. He didn't know where all this confidence with the bitch was coming from, but he certainly didn't appreciate and hoped that it wouldn't last. Though he wasn't opposed to the thought of physically draining it out of her.

They are just innocent kids and have done nothing wrong! Do not hurt them anymore; take it out on me instead!"

A dark look crossed Nikolas' face as he considered her offer, "my pleasure." Then he punched Lily, shoved her against the against the wall, and began to beat on her. He was sure though to steer clear of any areas his child would have been affected. Lily would most likely have a busted lip and bruises all over her face and arms.

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