Chapter Fifteen

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The mental conversation between Jackson and his sister repeated itself over and over again in his head for weeks.

You need to stay away, Adrienne told him. A betrayed, rejected howl escaped from his wolf form. But that was nothing compared to what Jackson was feeling; it felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest.

No, Adrienne! You know I can't do that! Jackson insisted.

Well, you need to figure out a way. She said, her tone was clipped, and she was completely closed off.

Why? What happened?!

His sister ignored his questions but seemingly answered them at the same time, if you want her to stick around, you'll do it.

How? How was he supposed to force himself to stay away from her any longer? Jackson had barely managed for the past few weeks. Who knew how much longer this would last for?! He would go insane with her right at the tips of his fingers just barely out of reach.

"Adrienne, tell me what happened." Jackson commanded her. Their parents sat quietly across the room. He knew his father was holding back, but that had never stopped him before. His father's behavior was the least of Jackson's worries though.

Adrienne tensed as she fought the order and David growled from next to her, "I did. She said she wanted to go back home, and I convinced her to stay. She told me that if she did, she didn't want you anywhere near her, to see you, hear your voice, or even hear other people mention you." Jackson tried to suppress the hurt and frustration he felt for the situation but was finding it easier said than done.

He had been growing used to the feeling of being scared when it came to anything that involved his mate but having her so close but not being able to be in her presence was weakening him. He hated admitting it, and he refused to let anyone see it, but it was true.

Jackson's father chose to speak up upon seeing the state he was in, "so you're taking orders from some human girl now? Mate or not, she is weak. She would never be able to lead the pack with you."

A low, warning growl escaped Jackson's throat, "don't you dare."

"Why? You were happy with Erin, she's a great fit for the role," he started.

"Erin is a bully that doesn't deserve shit. And Jackson was an idiot for wasting his time with her," Adrienne interrupted him. Her hands were clenched into fists, trying to calm herself down with deep breathing. People think they know their parents, but they only know what they choose for their kids to see.

"Lily is my mate, dad. I would never reject her." Jackson stated simply.

"Even though she's going through all this trouble to stay away from you?" Their father argued.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe she's pushing him away because of what she's been through the past year? Because she doesn't know about us and the bond? Adrienne retaliated, "if I had the same reaction, would you have thought the same of me?"

The old man huffed, "of course not! You're a wolf, you would never have reacted that way."

"And what if I had, huh? What if I had fought so hard to keep a little girl, just two-years old close and safe with me because I was her protector? Only for people I barely know but am forced to be around to standby as some stranger took her away? After all I'd been through, I would wouldn't be able to bounce back. Then what? Would you have said the same about me?" The anger for the lack of basic respect for a person increased as Adrienne spoke, "Lily was that little girls hero. She was brave and stood up for them. She never once let Nikolas put his hands on them; she always got in between or pushed the girls out of the way."

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