malia grace consentino

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Ladies and gentlemen, may i introduce you to the one and only malia grace!

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Ladies and gentlemen, may i introduce you to the one and only malia grace!

she's the beyonce to the next generation. her voice is so smooth and angelic, everyone knows her. and it's very rare for you to find someone who dislikes her and her music.

she's got hoes too.

she was never the type to date in high school but did that stop boys from liking her? nope.

growing up she was always that one girl that every boy liked and the girl every girl wanted to be. she was so kind and gentle but if someone screwed her over? that's suicidal.

she's book smart and street smart. even though she was born and raised in new jersey, she knows the streets of los angels like the back of her hand.

she has very good memory and can sometimes hold a grudge against you for something you did in kindergarten.

she loves to be with her family more than anything. it's hard for her when she's always busy in the studio or doing interviews or photo shoots and can't spend time with her family. the only family she always has around is brayden.

he's her producer and "security" is what he likes to call it. it's kind of a joke but at the same time not really. he's always with her for anything.

when she's at a interview, he's behind the camera making sure she's okay and comfortable with what she is being asked.

she usually gives him a look when she feels uncomfortable with the host or questions in which he steps in and doesn't care if he's told to stay out of the camera view, he just wants to make sure his big sister is okay.

when she's at a fitting, he's there holding her belongings as she gets fitted.

when she's at a charity event, he's there with her helping her with anything.

when she's at a photo shoot, he's behind the camera giving her goofy smiles so she can smile easily or laugh for the pictures.

when she can't think of any lyrics for a song, he tells her to take a break and don't stress over it.

when she's sad, his shoulder is always there. when she's scared, he holds her. when she's tired, he's her pillow.

he takes care of her like there's no tomorrow. she's extremely close to brayden and he's practically her best friend.

in the music world, you can't trust many. people use you or try to ruin you. it's rare for her to find someone who actually wants to see her doing good.

she has a small group of friends that she always keeps around. denzel, franny, and josh. plus brayden but of course he's always included with everything she does.

she met denzel in sixth grade, she met franny her sophomore year of high school, and she met josh at post malone's album release party when she was 17.

the group of kids are what keep malia down to earth.

growing up she had a lot of friends but they were just school friends, you know? she never got too close to anyone and never trusted people with much.

even as a kid, she only had three real friends but as soon as her career took off her "friends" stabbed her in the back, i'll write that chapter soon.

she's only dated one boy throughout her school years.

his name was ivan, they dated throughout high school. they were perfect for each other, literal soulmates. but when malia was offered a chance to go on tour after high school... she couldn't deny the offer.

ivan didn't get salty when she choose her career over him. he saw it coming and supported her decision despite the fact that he was heart broken.

they keep in touch and are obviously still in love. she's just too busy and he's doing his own thing.

she hasn't dated anyone since him, she feels like she's cheating on him. even though they aren't together anymore she can't help but think of him the same way she did in high school.

same with him, he can't even hook up with any girl because all he can think of is malia.

and you best believe kairi was jealous of ivan at first for "stealing" his little girl from him. but he realized how much ivan loved and cared for his malia, he was scared.

ivan was actually good for his daughter but kairi didn't want to face reality so instead he pretends to dislike ivan but he's really fond of the kid.

throughout malia's career, her songs are always listed on the top 100 billboard. they are usually in the top 20 and sometimes top 10.

she's featured on cosmo, vouge, and many more. she's been on tour three times. she's performed at coachella, the vma's, BET awards, and many more.

her shows are always over the top thanks to brayden who gives her the crazy ideas.

she has won so many awards that she's cried about after receiving them. she still can't believe people like her music.

and even though she's a full grown woman, she still needs kairi.

they talk every morning on face time, or text all day for no reason whatsoever. of course mal talks to her mom a lot too but she talks to kairi more.

he's never missed ANY of her performances. you'll catch him hyping his daughter up in the front row. and if he can't be there physically, they have facetime and brayden for a reason.

and when she comes back home for the holidays, she goes completely MIA on social media. people have thought that she had gotten kidnapped a few times when she didn't post on her story.

but she just wants to spend as much time as she possibly can with her family before going back to work.

she's a whole baddie and i ain't capping. she has her moments where she'll flick off the paparazzi.

she's yelled at paparazzi before for not letting her live her life and ask random and irrelevant questions.

definitely has her momma's big mouth but you didn't hear that from me.

she's never gotten a tattoo because she can't stand needles. she's tried getting a matching tattoo with brayden but failed and passed out at the sight of the needle.

she's the dramatic one out of the cosent!no clan.

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