Oscar's speech

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okay so it's the big day

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okay so it's the big day. Oscar's big day in fact. our little boy won MVP of the year and he's only been playing for the United States for two and a half years.

literally having a proud mom moment.

there was a whole ceremony held for the achievement and many others that followed that were for the other players with their achievements.

oscar wore a blue tux with a black bow tie, you better believe he asked his mom for her opinion on his fit. so in the hall where the ceremony and team dinner was being held at was filled with people.

oscar only cared for his family though. his big green eyes scanning the crowd as he looks for his parents. once his eyes land on his twin brothers, who were both stuffing their faces with marshmallows at the candy table, he knew that his family had arrived.

he excuses himself from the group of coaches that he was speaking to moments ago and rushes over to his family.

"there he is! the man of the hour!" Parker opens his arms as his little brother approaches him with a big smile, they hug each other and laugh lightly as they do so

"look at you! i'm so proud, baby." stella pulls away from alejandro's grip to shower her son in kisses. "okay mom, you can stop before i have lipstick marks all over my cheeks." her boy laughs as he kisses her cheek gently.

"congrats bro." the twins say in sync as they first bump oscar individually.

the whole time Oscar felt intimated by his father who had a strong gaze.

oscar was always intimated by alejandro, pretty much all his brothers were.

"hey papa..." Oscar gives alejandro a small smile and looks at him with anxiety lurking in his eyes.

alejandro stood tall with a serious look but that soon went away once a smile formed on his lips.

"i'm proud of you, son."

okay, i'm getting kind of emotional now, sorry.

anyways, as those words came out of alejandro's mouths, the words oscar rarely heard from his father, he immediately hugged him.

alejandro had a hard time showing his feelings for his sons. parker understood, oscar not so much, and the twins just didn't care.

the hug was loving, strong and tight, oscar hadn't hugged his dad like that in a long time.

"i love you, pa." oscar whispers into his dad's ear. "i love you too." alejandro whispers back.

"yo, rosario." all the boys turn around and face a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, very muscular and tall. "sorry, i meant oscar." the guy corrects himself.

"what do you want, freddy?" oscar questions calmly. "why is there three tables reserved under your name? your family can fit at one table, dude." freddy complains.

as if on que, mattia and kairi walk in with their families, all dressed up for the event.

"that's why." oscar says and points at his uncles. freddy's jaw drops at the large group.

"oh shit my bad."

now for the big speech.

once everyone finds their seats and gets quiet, the head coach gets on stage and stands at the podium.

"tonight we are recognizing tremendous potential that these fine gentlemen have. each of them are special in their own ways, each of them are like the sons i never had but let's face it, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them." the coach begins.

"so to start off the night, i'm going to give this award to the person who i think deserves it. he's hard working, determined and very caring for each of his team mates. out of all my years of coaching, i've never met a guy like him. he wears his heart on his sleeve and isn't afraid to speak his mind.  he goes out of his way to help his teammates, even us coaches which wasn't part of the contract but he did it anyways. ladies and gentlemen, the MVP of the year is.... Oscar Rosario!".

the crowd cheers for the boy but of course his family cheers even louder.

"that's my boy!"

"let's gooo! that's my big brother right there!"

"get it, oscar!"

"yeah boyyyy!"

"whoooo! get it, baby!"

the three families were being rowdy. the twins were told by security to calm down or that they'd get escorted out.

once the crowd calms down and after the coach hands oscar his trophy and takes a picture, oscar stand at the podium and starts to speak.

"wow... uh... i just can't believe this. it feels like a dream. ma, do you see this?" oscar says nervously and points at his trophy with his name carved into it. the crowd laughs lightly at his question.

"first, i want to start off by thanking god. who was always with me even if i wasn't worthy of his love. i want to thank my mom, brothers, uncle mattia and kairi, my aunts and cousins. they all encouraged me to do better and have always wanted what was best for me..." the crowd was in awe as he spoke.

alejandro was confused when oscar didn't mention him. he felt hurt, angry, sad. was this some type of joke? yeah, him and oscar never really got along but was he seriously not going to mention alejandro in his speech?

his own father?

"i especially want to thank this one person.... my dad. growing up i wasn't always a good kid. my dad has put up with a lot of shit from me. we never got along very well, it's mainly my fault though. i used to always feel trapped and lost. there were times where i felt like no one understood me but my dad did. he was the one that always pushed me, he pushed me to follow my dreams. if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't be here. i couldn't ask for a better dad. i love you, papa."

stella was tearing up, sara and malani were close to crying as well. parker was in shock as were the twins. kairi's kids were taken back and mattia's kids were shook.

oscar would talk bad about alejandro sometimes and rant on and on about how he thinks alejandro hates him but that was far from the truth. oscar's brothers and cousins were always the ones who heard the rants that oscar made about alejandro and the fact that he mentioned him in his speech is golden.

alejandro got flashbacks from when oscar was born and holding him for the first time. how much he's grown and matured over the years. how proud he is that his son achieved his dreams.

how much he loved his son.

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