dream and mal do brayden's makeup

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brayden doesn't like to talk about this. he's traumatized by the things his sisters have done to him over the years lmao.

"mom said you have to." dream grabs her brother's face towards her so she could put the mascara on his eyelashes nicely. malia begins to braid his hair as well from behind him with a smile on her face.

"really? she usually says no when you guys wanna do my makeup and stuff." he's confused for the most part but very uncomfortable. being the only boy was a struggle sometimes, it definitely showed right now.

"nah, but we just got bored and mom isn't home so." mal shrugs at her brother with an evil smirk, his eyes go wide.

"don't you guys have something better to do than torture me with highlighter and purple eye shadow?" brayden whined. the two sisters look at each other, bray gets hopeful that his sisters will leave him alone as they think.

all he was doing was minding his own business playing video games and eating pretzels on a saturday afternoon in new jersey, his dad was taking some business calls in his office, his mom was at a retreat in germany for a few days and the girls were supposedly outside doing yoga.

but then the cosentino girls got bored of yoga and wanted to stir the pot by messing with their brother like they always do when they got bored.

"i'm telling mommy on you guys." he pouts.

"i'm 10 and i don't even call mom, "mommy" anymore." dream scoffs at her 15 year old brother. "says the girl who still calls dad, "daddy" even though you're literally a heathen." brayden fires back at his little sister.

"he loves me more than you now stop moving!" dream tells her brother, grabbing his cheeks so she could fill in his eyebrows.

"i hate it here." he mumbles to himself.

"let's take a picture. say happy family!" malia pulla out her phone, extending her arm out to get her siblings into the picture. she has the biggest smile on her face and so does dream who looks so innocent with her father's eyes and malia with his smile, brayden is frowning and flipped off the camera as he sat on the stool and his sisters standing around him.

"hey do y'all want burger kin- WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR BROTHER!?!"

their heads snap to the direction of the doorway in malia's room, kairi stands there looking at his kids in pure shock.

he already knows what's going on, he's been in brayden's position before but he wasn't held against his will. whenever malani or one of the girls after to do their dad's makeup to practice, he would say yes because he could never say no to his little girls nor wife.

"but daddy! he looks so pretty and we're bonding!" dream whines, stomping her foot on the ground knowing she was in trouble including her big sister for forcing brayden to do something he didn't want to do.

"bonding? bonding is when all of you are happy and having a good time. not forcing your brother to do something." kairi looks at his daughters. brayden sighs in relief knowing his dad will get him out of this mess.

"but we're having fun!" malia pouts.

"torturing your brother is not fun."

"but you don't have a brother so you wouldn't know how it feels."

"that's it. you and dream are grounded for the rest of the weekend. no phones and TV. no makeup and no music." he's stern and very demanding. he wasn't in the mood to be playing around and he knew how to discipline his kids.

"but daddy..." the girls say in sync. "no buts. brayden go clean up and dream go back to your room." he tells them before walking out of malia's room, leaving them alone.

"haha. look who's laughing now." brayden sticks his tongue out at his sisters as he walks out of the room.

"fuck you, bray." malia says and rolls her eyes at her brother.

later, everything is calm again. malia is in her room cleaning because she had nothing better to do. dream is in her room sleeping and brayden is in his room playing video games again.

meanwhile, kairi is in his room feeling super guilty and grounding his daughters. he's currently on the phone with his wife, venting his feelings to her.

"i feel like a monster, mi! like i've never grounded them before, only you have. how do you do this? it's so scary!" he rambles to his wife through the phone.

"calm down, kai. you'll be fine, they'll be fine. they need to learn that they can't get away with everything, especially torturing my boy." malani sighs through the phone.

"i need a back massage, really wish you were here right now. i miss you so much." he rubs his neck and sighs.

"i miss you too but have you feed them? being a good parent also means feeding them at least three times a day." she giggles through the phone.

"oh shit. yeah, i was gonna get them burger king. i'll call you later, mimi. i love you."

"i love you too, kiss them goodnight for me."

"i will. bye."

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