ellie's friends

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out of all the kids, i think ellie's friends are so fun and unique. they're the weird kids and the outcasts of the school but they're really hot. and that's when you know i have a problem😍.

hope y'all enjoy !


he met ellie in third grade

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he met ellie in third grade. she saw that people were bullying him for having his nails painted and stuck up for him. ever since he's stuck by her side and he's the tall friend in the group. you can see his tall ass miles away. has a lot of tattoos, usually got bullied for his height and his painted nails. he's an only child and enjoys having a good friend group that respects his decisions. even though he gets picked on, he still do be vibing doe. he was the first one in the friend group to get their drivers license so you better believe they were forcing him to take them places. he has asthma and can't do drugs so don't ask. he is also mexican but can't speak spanish for shit which ellie roasts him about all the time for that.


he met ellie in first grade

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he met ellie in first grade. he was the weird kid that always read books, ellie didn't care and started talking to him like the social butterfly she is. people always called him nerdy and shit like that but did she care? nope. he has EIGHT SIBLINGS (wtf) but doesn't speak to half of them since they split up when they were taken away from their parents when ollie was three. he has a foster sister too that's older than him by five years. he is known to have a big mouth that gets him into trouble with the jocks (he usually insults them by calling them dumb in a smart way where it takes them a while to understand what he said).


she met ellie when she first moved into ellie's neighborhood (jayden was 7 and so was ellie)

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she met ellie when she first moved into ellie's neighborhood (jayden was 7 and so was ellie). jayden's family lives across the street from ellie's house so eventually they were gonna meet. she has an older brother that is friends with auggie and in the same grade. she was known for laughing too much to the point where people called her annoying but really she just wanted to make friends. no one wanted to hang around her because she talked too much as a kid. ellie always stuck by her side no matter what and loves jayden with all her heart. both of them don't have a sister so they are each other's sister by heart not blood.


he met ellie in sixth grade

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he met ellie in sixth grade. he was the skater boy who she adored. they do have history together of course, he was her first boyfriend (i had to put jakey duh). they have an on and off type of relationship, it's really complicated. he's a military kid so he's always moving place to place and tries to stay in new jersey as much as he possibly can. they always kept in touch even though he isn't there with his friends or ellie anymore. he's really sweet but is usually seen as a bad boy that gets into fights. he has an older brother and sister. people don't like him just because of the rumors and of the way he acts sometimes, but ellie could care less.


drake has known ellie longer than anyone out of the friend group

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drake has known ellie longer than anyone out of the friend group. he's known her since pre-k and hasn't left her side since. they get along really well and usually is the first person ellie goes to for advice. they bond over a lot of things (yes i am talking about 1D lmao). he usually got bullied for his painted nails and for wearing black all the time. people called him goth and devil worshiper, he is nothing like that and he always wears black because he feels like it suits him better. he's the kid who has to work three jobs to help support his family. his dad is out of the picture and his mom is rarely there. he has to take care of his little brother and sister on his own most of the time. he has the biggest heart and deserves the world.

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