kairi on malia's wedding day

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this is probably the CUTEST shit ever, it's really emotional and shit. i just love the idea of kairi having little girls one day and literally adoring them with all his heart. fuck, he was a mess on malia's wedding day though.


"kairi, baby, why are you crying?" malani asks her husband as he started to break down out of nowhere as she fixed his bow tie for him.

"i-it's just i can't believe this is actually happening. our baby is getting married, mal." he chokes out.

he looked very handsome. he wore a black suit and bow tie that made him look clean and fresh. he had a little sunflower pin on his vest, going along with the sunflower theme malia had for her wedding. he had a few grey hairs showing with his hair combed nicely to the side. his scruff had patches of grey as well.

"she was just my little princess yesterday, where did all that time go?" he adds with a pout.

"she's not our little princess anymore, kai." she tells her husband and cups his face.

kairi wasn't fully ready to face reality. he wanted his girls to stay little forever and wanted his one boy to stay the goofy kid kairi has loved since he was born. he didn't want his little girls to become women who didn't need their daddy anymore. he didn't want his son to become a strong man who didn't need his dad for anything anymore.

he wasn't ready to let go yet.

he wanted them to stay little forever, where they needed him for everything that happened in their life.

but the truth is, his kids were growing up and he felt like they didn't need him anymore. but the truth is, they needed him more than ever now. they were getting married and starting to have kids, they needed kairi and malani to be there for those moments they've waited for their whole life. they needed their parents for advice for the milestones that were occurring in their lives now.

brayden walked in, dressed similar to kairi but dressed in navy blue like the rest of the grooms men.

"dad, what's wrong? the ceremony starts in five minutes." brayden informs his father and mother. "i-i know. i'm just not ready to let get yet. she's my little girl, walking her down the isle means that she is steps away from not needing me anymore." kairi told his son who let out an annoyed sigh.

automatically, brayden thought his dad was being overdramatic like he usually was when it came to his sisters. but then malani shot her son a look and shook her head signaling that this was something serious.

brayden steps up to his dad, towering over him. he places his shoulder on kairi's shoulder before speaking.

"she'll always need you, dad. you're the first person who she'd ask for if she needed something. and i get it, believe it or not i'm really nervous. i don't know if i'm ready to see my sister finally get married, it's scary. but we're the men that have been in her life through thick and thin. out of both of us, she needs you the most. you're the first man she's ever loved." brayden's words made kairi let out a relived sigh.

"you'll always be the man who loved her unconditionally and protected her before anyone else did." he added making kairi feel better.

"you see, there's nothing to worry about, honey. she'll always need her daddy." malani tells her husband with a sympathetic smile and places her hand on his back.

"you both think so?" kairi asks as he stopped crying.

"we know so." brayden tells his dad.

"now, go get em tiger."

a minute before kairi has to walk his first born down the isle, they stood together and prepared themselves.

"you look amazing, princess." he beams at her. "thanks, dad. you look so handsome." she replies.

"i'm super nervous, are you?" she asks as she held her stomach. "not even, you'll do great. i'm going to be there with you no matter what, okay? i promise." he grabs both of her hands and tells her calmly.

they did a few breathing exercises and stopped when her breathing calmed down.

there was now fifteen seconds left.

"you ready, baby?" he held his arm out for her to hold as she did.

she looks at him with adoring eyes and beams at him, admiring how good her dad looked today and how he held himself together for her big day.

from her point of view, having her dad there meant the whole world to her. if kairi wasn't there then she wouldn't know what to do.

"yeah, i am." she nods.

"thank you for everything, daddy. i love you."

"i love you too, princess."

i'm not crying, you are.

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