luke javier polibio

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dis is sara's lukey pookey

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dis is sara's lukey pookey.

only she gets to call him that and if anyone else calls him that he literally cancels them the next day like he's very strict when it comes to that nickname.

he's such a big kid by heart. mans is literally a grown man and still eats lucky charms while watching sponge bob, he's living his best life.

lukey also gives me luke ross vibes from jessie so i'm going to try and portray his personality the same way cameron did for his role as luke ross🥺.

so that also means that luke loves to dance, mattia calls him happy feet since luke is very passionate about dancing. from a young age he has always admired dancing so one day while he was visiting texas for christmas, sara's sister had happen to own a dance studio so she took luke for the day to show him the place.

she described him as a "natural" but that was an understatement.

fans don't understand why luke is so good at dancing when mattia couldn't do much on tik tok.

it took mattia a while to even move his hips to match the rhythm of a song so how was luke so good?

this is what i like to call... "magic".

in school luke was always getting into trouble too. usually it would be for a fight that started because of someone talking trash about one of his siblings, his parents or someone that he cared so much about.

he always stood up to the bullies too, there was no way he was going to be a bystander and he definitely showed it.

he had "okay" grades but struggled with ADHD most of his life. he had to take medications for it too and sara just hated the fact that the drugs controlled how he would act.

she didn't like the fact that he'd be too tired to go to dance practice or to even go outside to play. she didn't like the drugged up version of him, she wanted her lukey pookey back.

eventually he didn't need the meds anymore which made sara very happy.

as i said before mattia and luke have a alejandro and oscar relationship. they're always bumping heads for the little things. sara thinks it's because they both have a big mouth (which is very accurate) but they don't necessarily agree.

"you always gotta say something huh, luke?"

"you got that right, pops."

it definitely shows during the separation of his parents.

yes, mattia and luke are used to arguing with each other. but during the separation it was like war, they both said things to each other that weren't true or meant to be said. the one thing that luke said to mattia hit him different, it hurt his feelings on a deeper level.

i'll definitely write that chapter soon, it's pretty overwhelming to even think about. it's something a parent should never hear from their child.

out of all the kids, luke is the one that didn't go to college after high school. he had his own dance team in new york which wasn't that far from where he lives, plus he didn't want to leave sara and live across the country like gio did.

i also can't remember a time where ellie and luke weren't annoying each other to death.

let's just say things weren't always rainbows and sunshine. in other words, one time luke put purple dye in ellie's shampoo bottle and she shaved his eyebrows in his sleep... definitely don't wanna mess with them.

but yet they got matching tattoos when they got older to represent their "love" for each other? they are more confusing than mattia is what i'm saying.

fun fact: luke's middle name is sara's cousin's name that passed away from cancer when she was a teenager. in his honor she named luke after her cousin who she was close with growing up.

and luke's childhood best friend happens to be robert's son, lorenzo (enzo for short). the two are the same age and went to the same school their whole lives.

mattia was really glad when he found out that robert's son was luke's age since he wanted luke to have a calm and collected friend like he did growing up. (we all know robert is the only one that has his life together and is unproblematic).

luke is a social butterfly and hangs out with pretty much anyone.

enzo on the other hand likes to stay to himself and isn't that popular. (that doesn't even matter to luke anyways).

either way the two are always up to something and luke even got mikey to join his dance team.

overall, luke is the only polibio that can dance and that's on mattia's stif hips.

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