Chapter 8

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L u c i f e r

Lucifer enters his room with a smile, in search of Rosalie he calls her name out, "Rosalie! Where are you?". He checks the bathroom out and the closet and she's not there. A sense of fear strikes the pit of Lucifer's stomach, he thinks "she can't have ran away.. it's not possible.". He starts to check the living room and kitchen and home cinema. He then looks at the guest rooms, calling out her name as he discovers the mansion. He enters the last guest room and the window is wide open, the thin white curtain is flowing free.

Speechless. How? Why? When? Where? All travelling through his chaotic mind. "ROSALIE!!" He shouts and all of the men appear behind him In a straight line, with their hands in front of them and their eyes looking at him. Vincenzo runs to Lucifer and pats his shoulder, "hey what's going on?"
"What's going on? WHAT'S FUCKING GOING ON?! SHE'S GONE YOU ASSHOLE! She's gone.." Lucifer could feel his heart sink. An overwhelm of fear for her surrounds his heart. What if she's dead? What if she's kidnapped? Where would she go? Vincenzo notices the open window and sighs,
"Lucifer calm down. We'll find her, she can't have gone too far."
"I CAN'T CALM DOWN UNTIL WE'VE FOUND HER ENZO!" He harshly turned to the men behind him. He calmly asked them, "which one of you was supposed to be the security for this part of the mansion?", His expression was cold. A small shaky voice said,
"Me boss". Lucifer calmly walked over to him and then grabbed him by the collar and growled at him with bloodshot eyes, "I'm going to kill you! I'M SO GOING TO KILL YOU! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE AT YOUR POST?! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING?!" He spat. Lucifer then let him go and took his matte black gun out and pointed it in between his eyes.

Vincenzo growled at Lucifer,
"Lucifer he's only a kid damnit!! I'm sure we'll find Rosalie!" He held onto lucifer's wrist, trying to slowly pull it down. Vincenzo was like a brother to Lucifer, ever since kindergarten they stuck together like two peas in a pod.

Lucifer put his gun down and screamed "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROOM" to the men. Once the men left he started crying and sat on the bed, "How could I have let her slip away Enzo... I don't know what to do without her... all my life I spent looking for her and she just..slipped right through my hands...". Vincenzo pat his back,
"I've said before, I'll say it again. By being sad nothing will change so please don't hit rock bottom again and get your ass up and start looking for her". Lucifer nod and got up, his cold expression back on his face.

Although Lucifer seemed so organised, cold and stable he was just a broken boy deep inside.

Lucifer hit a tree, trying to ride his new bike for the first time. Falling off his bike, he whimpered, "Ow! Mama!!". A little girl ran to him and got the bike off him, she then sat by him and held his hand,
"Where does it hurt, Lucifer?" She said softly with a worrisome look in her eyes. Lucifer pointed at his knee that was scraped. The little girl kissed his knee and smiled at him innocently. She looked so beautiful in her light brown locks of hair and rosy cheeks from the heated weather. "Is it better?" She asked. Lucifer nod with a smile and kissed her cheek,
"I love you, sophia.."

Dozens of men searched the woods, there was no sign of Rosalie. Lucifer then came across a motel. "She couldn't have gone so far" he thought and entered the motel with Vincenzo, their guns pointing at the woman behind the desk. The woman put her hands up in surrender and asked with a fearful voice,
"wh-what do you want?".
"A girl with light brown hair bright blue eyes and fair skin." He replied coldly.
"Room 27! She came half an hour ago!" She said and they marched off to the room with the extra key that the woman gave. He knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Rosalie called out,
"Room service!" He replied calmly. She opened the door and saw him. Her eyes widened,
"Luci-" before she could finish her sentence Lucifer entered her room and put her hand around her mouth and nose, making her faint due to the chloroform. He picked her up in his arms and walked out of the hotel confidently.

"I'll always find you" he whispered.

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