Chapter 23

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R o s a l i e

I was in immense pain, it was like my body was on fire. As they pushed me to the Labour room, my hands were wrapped around my bump wishing nothing goes wrong. At first when I learnt about my baby, I felt sad. I didn't want this, I didn't want her. I even considered abortion at one point but my subconscious wanted to have this baby, whether she was going to ruin my life or not, it wanted a piece of lucifer to stay.

The nurses put me on the bed and put my legs up to my bump. Emma rushed through the doors into the Labour room and quickly held my hand, she saw how much pain I was going through, "It's going to be okay Rosalie, everything's going to be okay just do as the doctor says..". Since Vincenzo and Marco weren't the father they weren't allowed into the room but Emma was.

The doctors all got ready, put on their gloves and masks. The doctors had suggested caesarean as it would be less of a hassle but I had insisted natural birth. I wanted to experience motherhood fully, even if that meant I would be in a lot of pain. After hours and hours of trying to push my baby out she finally was born.

Her cries engulfed the room as I came off to a euphoria. My head hit the bed and I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I started tearing up, looking at Emma, her hand in mine. She was worried as much as I was, after all I was only 7 months pregnant. The doctors quickly wrapped the baby in a towel and put her in an incubator. I started crying and shouting "I WANT MY BABY! IS SHE OKAY?!" I was starting to have a panic attack. The nurses tried to calm me down, stroking my hair,
"She's fine she's just going to be in an incubator for a bit don't worry she will be okay".

It was like a wave of relief hit after hearing those words. My baby was fine. I quickly dozed off after hearing those words, my body exhausted from the hours of struggle.


When I woke up, all 3 of them were beside my bed, discussing about names for my baby. They all turned their heads to me straight away when I slowly peeled my eyes open. I was bathed and was wearing my nightgown. My voice was quiet and gruff, "I want to see her..."
"Are you sure babe? You just woke up." Emma stated which Marco followed up with,
"I agree. You should rest Rosalie".

I sighed and lifted my legs off the bed, not listening to their words. When they started to try to hold me I brushed them off and furrowed my brows, "let. Me. Go. God! You're acting like I had a big surgery!"

I lifted myself off the bed and waddled to the large window that revealed all the babies. All of them were sleeping, their eyes closed, except my baby. I noticed her straight away. She had her father's eyes, a pair of eyes that I would notice anywhere I went. My hand rested on the window as my other hand rested on my chest, feeling my heart beat heavily. She was tiny in a big incubator, tubes going up her nose to help her breathe.

I wanted to hold her in my arms, take her to my bosom. That feeling of motherhood had finally engulfed my body. I never thought I'd be this attached to a baby that I didn't even choose a name for yet.

I felt Vince, Marco and Emma's presence around me. A tear rolled down my rosy cheeks happy yet sad, "she's so tiny... look at her Em..". Vincenzo put his hand on my shoulder and looked outside the window,
"She'll be alright she just needs some time.. let's think about what to name this little princess" he smiled softly.

I wiped my cheek and crossed my arms, before looking at Vincenzo, "Daphne. How about daphne?" Vincenzo smiled and nodded at me before Emma pulled me into a hug, "oh you are going to be a great mother!" I chuckled and pulled away after a moment.

Daphne Russo-Scotts. A part of me, a part of him.

A/N -
We reached 400 reads!! WOOOOO!! Thank you so much to everyone who has read Love Me Like That from the start! I love you all and I am looking forward to making more stories. I will unfortunately be ending this story soon but I also have a book that I'm working on at the moment too. It's called "Love Pills". Make sure to check that out too! Thanks again and love you all!!

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