Chapter 11

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R o s a l i e

Lucifer's face turned from a soft expression to a more serious face. He said in his business voice, "no. I can't let you do that". Rosalie rolled her eyes,
"Why? Because I'm a woman? Oh for gods sake stop looking at me as if I'm a damsel in distress! I don't nee-" Lucifer grabbed her chin gently and looked at her bright blue orbs fiercely,
"you don't need a knight in shining armour. I know. It's dangerous Rosa and I can't lose you... again". Rosalie's heart beat fast when he grabbed her chin, her stomach started to have butterflies and she didn't exactly know why. What was this she was feeling? She knew one thing for sure, she found him hot when he was dominating her. She took her mind off her thoughts, held his wrist and looked at him innocently,
"Then train me. I know some defence mechanisms and boxing but I need to know how to use weapons. Sì?".

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, "how could I know that you know boxing. I mean all I know is you know how to tackle a person and put them down". She smirked,
"Combatti..". He lifted both of his eyebrows in surprise,
"You speak Italian?"
"My mother- well the woman who I thought was my mother was Italian, so I guess she never let me forget my mother language..". He came closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "molto sexy.." slowly travelling his hand down to her plump ass. She smacks his hand just as he gives it a squeeze and he puts his hand back on her waist. She then takes his hand and gets it off her body. She put her hand out,
"deal or no deal?"
"Deal". They shake hands and she smiles.
Rosalie's POV
It was time to fight Lucifer. I knew he wouldn't show me his full potential but I wanted to show him mine. So I wrapped my hands up in white and put on some tight black leggings and a grey sports bra. As I entered the large gym, I saw him in the ring, warming himself up. He saw me and gave a smirk, which made my bones shiver. He was dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and was shirtless. His pecks looked delicious, the tattoos on his body made him look so much more sexier and masculine. God I wish he could- oh god get those thoughts out of your head Rosalie!!

I entered the ring and smirked, "scared?"
"Who? Me?" He laughed. "Try me tesoro" he winked. I blushed a little as we danced along the ring, planning our first move. I took the first move by punching his core hard. He then tried punching me a few times, although I blocked all of his hits. I hit his core once again before striking him on the left side of his face. He tripped and fell on his back. I tackled him on the floor of the ring by putting my leg over his neck and pulling his arm towards me to show how I could hurt him. His face switched from a playful one to a dark expression so quickly that he suddenly took my leg off his neck and rolled on top of me. He stared into my eyes lustfully and I could feel a bulge that was forming. Just as he was about to lean in and kiss my soft lips, I kneed his abdomen and rolled on top of him. I held his arms tightly beside his head and looked at him with no words but a smirk. "I win.." I said. He looked back up at me with a smirk and winked, "well done..". I got off him and he got up as well.

He cracked his knuckles as I said, "so can I start weapon training now?"
"Yes you can. We can start tonight after dinner. Is that okay?" I nodded. We unwrapped our hands and started walking to the room. I sat on the bed and he started walking towards the bathroom, "where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to shower" he replied, "wanna join?" He smirked. I shook my head quickly and blushed a bit out of embarrassment. He stood by the doorway, leaning onto the door, "you know Rosa.. we will take a shower together one day.. till then continue dreaming, bella" he winked and left.

I felt so embarrassed and started to imagine the shower. Him hovering over me as we kiss passionately, with the steam from the shower surrounding us. His kisses going lower down to my neck as I moan for him to- ahhh! Stop it Rosalie!

He came out of the shower dressed in a matte black pair of trousers and a white shirt, the three first buttons unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up. Damn those arms looked good. "You can stop drooling now" he laughed and took me out of my thoughts. I ran past him to the bathroom and locked myself in.
After the shower and dinner, he walked me to some place that looked like a shooting range. There was two guns ready, one at each post. He held the gun and swinged it on his finger before handing it to me. He left his gun untouched. "Okay so one leg back, one leg front. Not too much space just the perfect amount." He said sternly as I did as he said. "Good girl. Now bend you legs a bit and straighten you arms so that you could shoot the heart." I did as he said again and then there it was, "shoot"

I wrapped my finger around the trigger, giving me a strange familiar feeling, and pressed it. Once I had shot we looked at where I had shot the figure and it was the leg. He pat my shoulder and said, "try again but this time I'll help you a bit more". He positioned my feet in the perfect stance and then stood behind me got closer to my back. I could smell his strong musky cologne as his hands found mine and guided me.

His hands were cold and sent shocks down to my spine. Lucifer's face was extremely close to mine and I knew he could smell my lavender scent when he smirked. I bit my lip and suddenly I started feeling a hard thing beneath me and realised it was his hardening member. I couldn't take it anymore. I put the gun down, faced him and kissed him with all the passion I had.

It was so unexpected for him that his eyes widened before he closed them and picked me up from my thighs and placed me on the table, not breaking the kiss for one second. He pulled away and looked into my sweet eyes, there was something in his eyes. Darkness? Lust? He whispered, "what do you want?"
"I want you, Lucifer..." I replied and with that he crashed his lips on mine and picked me back up, leaving the guns and carried me straight to his room.

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