Part 6

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Soooo this one turned out waaaay longer than I first planned looool oops.

I really wanted to incorporate a bit of Michaels internal monologue to show what's going on with him about all of this. It's been very Amy monologue heavy up until now because that's just how it came out, so I figured I'd do a chapter to show the other side of things before it goes back to normal.

I just felt like a Michael centred chapter was needed around this time. Next chapter will be going back to the usual mainly Amy style POV.

I hope you guys don't mind this one. The first part of this chapter is him reflecting on some things and about Amy and then the rest is just a day from Michael's POV. Nothing really happens to progress the plot as such but I felt it was important for you guys to see what's going on in his pretty little head and how he views the friendship. Things may seem like they're moving fast on his behalf but that's just how I think Michael is. He moves fast because it's all he knows. He's an all or nothing kinda boy. But be mindful that this is how he views the friendship, not necessarily how she does.


It had been three days since Amy had gone to meet the boy she often went to and Michael was still silently sulking about it. He had hated it when she left. Every second felt like hours and he'd done nothing but pace around and wait for her. Knowing where she was and what she was doing, it made his chest feel tight and had anger bubbling up underneath his skin and he didn't know why. In the end, he'd forced himself to go to bed but he still couldn't sleep. The relief he felt when he heard her come in was overwhelming. And now, three days later, he couldn't stop thinking about it. And honestly... shit happens. I could get hit by a car tomorrow and there's nothing I can do about it. Those words had twisted his insides up so badly he felt he might throw up and now they were on a painful loop in his mind.

His life had been a strange one, but by the time he'd been at Hawthorne, he felt like he knew what he was doing. He felt confident in himself and the plan laid out for him. But after Ms Mead, everything came crashing down. When Cordelia had offered her hand to him that day, the darker part of him wanted revenge. He wanted to kill every last witch for taking his Ms Mead away from him. But most of him was just tired. He was tired of people leaving him to fend for himself. He was tired of being used because people only liked him for the title he held and not for himself. He was tired of feeling lost. He was just so fucking tired. He had nothing left and Cordelia offered him the one thing he had always craved more than anything. Acceptance. A place to feel safe. And now he was here, he was glad he took her up on it. He hadn't expected to find someone he was so drawn to, not like this.

After everything that happened to him, he'd almost slipped backwards a little. He'd gone back to that over-emotional boy that felt so unsure about everything and felt lost. But when he was around Amy, everything felt okay. It didn't matter what he'd done in the past. All the hurt he'd suffered didn't even bother him. He'd just be with her and her soul was like a soothing balm to his, mending all the fractured pieces and sticking them back together. It was ironic really given the fact she hated him when he first got here. It had hurt him back then, mainly because the second he laid eyes on her he was captivated. She was beautiful, but her soul... it was singing to him. He'd wanted so desperately for her to accept him and like him and at first she really hadn't. But with all their time together and him just being himself around her, she'd warmed up to him. He was grateful to have her by his side.

He wasn't stupid. He knew she was still wary, but he wasn't surprised given the fact she was one of the very few people who knew exactly what he was. He'd wanted to hit himself after he'd choked her. The first time had been his temper, something he'd always struggled to keep under wraps. She'd called him a monster and it was like being transported back to his childhood. That word had sliced through his heart like a sharp knife and he hadn't been able to control himself. But the second time it had been his nightmares. Now he'd turned his back on his father, it seemed Satan was torturing him when he was sleeping, trying to get the boy to come back to him. It was so hard going against his dad. The one person he wanted the approval of more than anything. But he'd felt so abandoned. Everything that had happened to him, his father could have stopped, but he hadn't. And now he was here and he was happy .

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