Part 25

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Sorry for the confusion. Something messed up with my posting and this chapter was missing and it's like super important loool. Hopefully, I've fixed it now so it all makes sense.

Shits about to get real from now on. The events in this chapter are kind of a catalyst for things that will snowball. I've had this part of the story thought out for a while. It kind of came to me and it mapped itself out to where I'm going with the whole thing. Didn't expect any of it but that's just how it goes haha.

There's a clear divide in this chapter from my usual mostly Amy but some Michael POV and then just Michaels. There's an overlap in something that happens so it was just easier to write it with a clear break like that.

Warning that there's sexual assault in this chapter and I don't wanna warn later chapters, so obviously the issue will be present in a couple of chapters as said assault is dealt with.


The sun was high in the sky in the garden as Amy, Michael and their two best friends sat in the grass. Michael was leaning against the large tree with Amy cradled between his legs, leaning her back against his chest. Mallory was sat beside of them whilst Coco lay sunning herself in the grass. Amy had her oversized shades on as she read from the book in her hand. Mallory was also reading. The pair were learning more Latin and conversing with each other. Michael was just soaking her in with his arms wound around her. The mood was relaxed and the four of them were soaking it in before they had to head out. The academy was going on a sort of field trip later in the day. There was a forest and a lake nearby that apparently was cursed by a witch centuries ago. It was part of their history lesson. Amy was excited to go and see it, as she always was when it came to her history. But for now, she was just happy to enjoy the company of her three favourite people in the sun.

She was wearing a high waisted black maxi skirt that had a slit either side. She'd bought it the last time she went shopping. She decided on her plum Doc Martens today instead of the usual black combat boots and finished the look off with a black off the shoulder crop top. Having Michael on his knees for her with his head under her skirt had been the reward for her outfit. She decided she'd definitely wear it again sometime soon. She'd seen how his eyes darkened and drank her in when he saw her after she got dressed. She didn't know what hit her before he pounced.

She was listening to Mallory practice one of the words she kept struggling with when she heard voices. She looked through her dark glasses and noticed Jessica and her sister walking out with Cordelia. Amy scrunched her face up at her being back. She knew it would only be a matter of time but it didn't mean she had to like it.

"Yay, the bitch is back," she snorted to herself. Mallory looked over and rolled her eyes at the twins. Amy returned back to reading her book but Michael was watching Jessica carefully. They had stopped in front of a rose bush as Cordelia spoke to them but Jessica wasn't paying attention, she was glaring their way. Michael was feeling a little devious that morning and as his eyes locked onto the brunettes, he leant down and nuzzled Amy's neck. Amy sighed in contentment, no idea her boyfriend was just trying to piss off the twin. He saw how Jessica's back stiffened, her face growing colder. He smirked, nipping at the delicate skin of his lover's neck and making her gasp and giggle. He couldn't help himself. Jessica seemed to have an issue with Amy being with him and he was proving his point that he belonged to Amy and only Amy. Michael quirked a brow at the brunette who was glaring so hard he thought she might combust. Her eyes narrowed and he smirked before taking his eyes off her and just continuing to soak up Amy's presence.

Hours later saw everyone at the clearing of the lake. It had a large field full of grass and flowers with the lake situated along one side of it. They had been walking around the forest as Zoe and Myrtle all told them about Elizabeth Humphries. She had been around 19 when she cursed the land with her very last breath as she was murdered after the village that was once here found out she was a witch. After she died, everyone in the village died painfully. And ever since then, no one had been able to step foot through the iron gates at the entrance of the place. Unless they were witches of course since Elizabeth harboured no ill will to any sisters of hers. It had been a tense moment when they got to the gate. Amy hadn't been sure if Michael had been able to come through with them. She and Michael had been the last ones and she noticed him fidgeting, seemingly worried about it too. Only a few of the coven knew his true nature, the rest thought he was just a powerful warlock that Cordelia had decided to take in because he had no one else. But Amy watched with bated breath as he took a step forward and surprised them by being able to cross the threshold. He'd looked at her with wide eyes seemingly in shock as she grinned at him. Myrtle had scoffed, telling him of course he'd be able to cross, he was one of them now and Elizabeth could sense it. It seemed to make the boy slightly emotional and he'd done nothing but cling to Amy's hand for the rest of the day.

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