Part 28

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I know you guys aren't gonna want to read chapters and chapters without Michael in and I don't wanna write them loool So this one might seem like it skips over some things but all important shit will be mentioned. I don't feel like I need to write a chapter for each day she's there with Misty, ya know? I hope this is okay for you guys and it means less time away from our beloved Antichrist. Well no real time since he's in the end of this one loool


The first day at the Day cottage had mainly been settling in. Misty had given her the tour of the place and shown her the room she was staying in. It was a small room upstairs and the bathroom was one they would share but she didn't mind. She really loved the whole vibe of the place. It was cluttered with books and plants, various antiques strewn about the place. It smelt like patchouli and had a calming feel to it. Misty had made her some tea and they'd sat on the couch for hours. They didn't mention the purpose of her visit that first day. Misty said she wanted her to feel comfortable with opening up to her and she was grateful. So instead that first day had been just them chatting and getting to know one another. Amy already knew a lot about Misty from Cordelia. But even when the woman told her something she already knew, she let her tell her stories because it was nice to hear them from her mouth. And Amy told her everything too. She had asked her not to hold back and she didn't.

She told her of her upbringing and her parents. How it left her feeling broken. She told her how she started with her powers when she was 9 and how it seemed to get worse the more her parents neglected her. She told her how at 14 her parents had forced her to see a psychiatrist because they didn't want to deal with her 'problems' . How she started sleeping around to fill the void in her life of not being loved. She told her that when she was 15, when her parents left on another trip and left her feeling abandoned, she had accidentally set the house on fire. It was easily contained, but her aunt Laura had been mortified and called her parents. They'd only been gone a day but they had to return. The next thing she knew her father was dropping her off at the academy and the last words he uttered to her were ' you aren't our problem anymore' . She hadn't heard or seen them since. She told her how happy she was in the coven. Told her about Michael. Misty knew a lot about the boy. He had saved her from her own personal hell but then turned into an asshole. But Cordelia had been keeping her updated on how well he was doing now he'd turned over a new leaf and it was clear how in love with him Amy was. Misty had told her it was like a fairy tale and it made her smile to hear her talk about him.

One thing Misty noticed was how easy it was for Amy to talk about Michael. How every time she did her eyes would light up. How she seemed to have a million and one things to say about him. Amy felt so much guilt for leaving but it was nice to talk about him. To remember all of their good times. It made her remember that things hadn't always been so dark for her, and ironically, her light in the world came from someone who was supposed to be made from the darkness. After eating some food and drinking more tea, the pair had retired for the night. Once in bed, Amy had called Michael and they spoke for two hours about anything but the elephant in the room. Neither of them wanted to address why she was there. Finding it easier to just talk about everyday things. Michael spoke to her about his day, leaving out details that she knew would most likely upset her about his mental state. And she told him how wonderful the cottage was and how he should visit sometime. She had hung up with a heavy heart after they uttered 'I love you' to each other, but she had slept that night for the first time in a while.

The second day was harder. Misty spoke to her about her own personal hell and Amy had watched with sympathy as the woman cried and told her own story. Then she shared what had happened to her. Misty had cried right along with her, holding her as she sobbed and relived the awful ordeal. Misty had even said Amy's hell was worse than hers but Amy didn't agree. Personal hell's were personal for a reason. What they harboured were the worst fears for the person in them. Although cutting open a live frog over and over again didn't sound hellish to Amy, just gross and sad, she knew it would have affected Misty just as bad as her own had affected her.

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