Part 12

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This chapter, holyyy shiiiit loool it's way longer than I planned.

So this just took on a life of its own, didn't expect what came out, but there we go. Not gonna lie, last half is just sinful :')

Comments and kudos very much appreciated. I love to hear from you guys <3


Feelings... who the fuck invented those things? Amy mused that the person should have been burned at the stake. Two whole weeks had gone by, and whilst everything appeared normal on the outside, her mental state was a mess. She and Michael were back to doing things they usually did. Paired up in class, eating food out, watching movies and just spending time with one another. He'd even managed to drag her to the waffle house and she'd given up in the end. Luckily her dream had not become a reality. They were back to being Amy and Michael, but it was still somewhat strained. She was still dealing with knowing she felt something for him and he was still dealing with caring about her and her not feeling the same. It was a mess. But neither of them would bring it up in fear of what would happen. So time was full of fake smiles and internal struggles.

Her deep craving for sexual gratification had gone unchecked and it was making her depressed. Making her feel even more like she would forever be alone. It wasn't that she didn't like Ryan. She did, they were good friends. But after her pleasure at the hands of Michael, it was like she couldn't think of anyone but him in a sexual way and it only confused her. Ryan had texted her a few times asking her if she wanted to meet up, knowing she was always more than up for it. But she had made excuses each time and even outright ignored him on a couple of occasions. Still, her body was yearning to be touched, to feel the temporary high she felt each time.

It was hard being in close proximity to the boy when he was so devilishly handsome. And now, instead of her dreams being her alone at the end of them, they were of her riding him in a dark room with candles lit around them. She figured her subconscious was just fucking with her since she refused to let Ryan bang her. Michael would sweetly smile at her and his blue eyes would be all shiny and innocent, and all she would be able to think about was jumping on him. She had issues, that much was clear. Maybe she had a sex addiction? Or maybe it was more of a Michael addition?

Mallory had been a huge help for her, helping distract her and giving her advice. Coco was good too but there was only so much Amy divulged her with. She knew that Amy and Michael had a brief thing but now they were just friends again. So she thought the girl's current state of mind was her and Ryan having problems. Amy was lay on the grass with her head on Mallory's lap. Mallory toyed with Amy's wavy hair with one hand as the other held a book as she read from it. Coco had wanted to go shopping and somehow, Mallory had convinced her to take Michael so Amy could have a break. He'd gone back to shadowing her but it was only more difficult to deal with since she knew what he wanted from her and that she couldn't give it to him. Sometimes she just needed a fucking breather.

He hadn't been happy to go without Amy, but Coco had fluttered her lashes and begged him, saying she wouldn't be able to carry all the bags herself. Amy had watched how torn he was, but in the end, he relented. Who knew the Antichrist was chivalrous? Amy had been chilling out with Mallory for over an hour now and just clearing her mind. Mallory knew better than to bring it up, she knew Amy would talk about it when she felt ready. She had occasionally come to her upset and confused about the whole thing. And the only advice Amy could get was to just try and think about what she wanted. The issue wasn't what she wanted though, but it was what she could give. And she couldn't give Michael what he deserved.

"We're back bitches" Coco grinned as she walked over to them. She had a bunch of bags in her hands and Michael had even more. Amy sat up, her hair falling around her shoulders. She was wearing a black sundress that fell to her knees and her shades were on her face, letting her look at Michael without him noticing. He looked miserable no doubt from being stuck shopping with Coco, she almost snorted.

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