Part 20

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The day started off like any other. It had been a couple of days since the dream sharing and Amy and Michael hadn't done it again. Both of them fearing what they might find if they did. They didn't talk about it either but it solidified their bond in a way. Seeing the rawest parts of themselves. But today was just an ordinary day. As the pair stood in the garden with Mallory and Coco just before class, things flipped on their head when Myrtle came out instead. The woman hardly ever did practical lessons these days but Zoe was apparently in a meeting with Cordelia. But then the red-haired woman uttered the words that made everyone groan.

"I want you all to mix up who you work with. You're getting too comfortable in your pairings," she told them. Amy and Michael looked to each other wide-eyed and horrified. Amy enjoyed working with him, learning together. But before any words left her lips, Jessica had sauntered over.

"You can work with me," she gave Michael a sickly sweet smile, taking his hand in hers as she started to drag him away. Amy's jaw hit the floor as her eyes burned holes in their joined hands.

"Is she for real?" Mallory scoffed beside her. Amy's whole body was tense. A fire was burning inside of her and it only got even more intense when Jessica didn't let go of his hand and her other smoothed up his chest as she smiled up at him flirtatiously. And the boy didn't do a fucking thing to stop it.

She marched over with a face like thunder, her mind no longer working properly as she operated on rage. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? Touching what was hers, thinking she could just swoop in and take him away from her.

"He's not working with you," Amy sneered, glaring at the girl. Jessica looked at her and snorted looking thoroughly amused as Michael watched her carefully. Amy didn't fail to notice how she took a step closer to Michael, her side flush with his. Amy's right eye twitched.

"It looks like he is," Jessica replied with a smirk. Her damn hand was still gripping his and she felt herself about to snap.

"Amy," Mallory warned warily from behind her. She knew what was coming but Amy didn't listen to her.

"I don't think I'm making myself clear enough," Amy said slowly, her voice eerily calm. She tilted her head and clenched her fist, making Jessica gasp and claw at her neck. Her eyes were wide with panic and Amy watched her with a quirked brow as she struggled to breathe.

"If you ever touch my fucking boyfriend again, I'll snap every bone in your fucking body, let them set and then break them all over again. Clear?" she growled menacingly. Jessica nodded frantically and Amy unclenched her hand, letting her girl breathe again and fall to her knees.

She was too far gone to care about everyone staring at her or how Michael was watching her with wide sparkling eyes and a gleeful grin at her anger. At her darkness. She had called him her boyfriend and was so territorial it made his own darkness flare-up in him with satisfaction. Amy stepped back before turning her harsh glare on Michael then and his smile melted off his face. She stormed off angrily and he hurried after her, grabbing her wrist and yanking it so she faced him.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked incredulously. Her eyes narrowed as she wrenched her wrist from his grip.

"What the fuck do you think? You didn't make a move to get away from her grabby hands," she seethed. She couldn't even control herself. She'd never felt jealous in her life and this was overwhelming. His eyes widened, looking almost panicked that she was indeed mad at him.

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