Part 15

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Another mostly Michael POV chapter. You'll see why when you read it. A smidge shorter than my usual chapters with this one but it was needed.

Can we take a second to remember the time I thought this would be like three chapters long and just smut? Loooool

Let me know what you guys think of it. Comments feed my soul.

Edit; Sarah from the future again loool I'm in need of... I don't wanna say beta reader but I guess it kind of is? I use two spell checkers and sometimes things slip through the cracks and piss me off ridiculously when I find out afterwards. But I'm mainly after someone who is willing to let me bounce ideas off them and just help me out with things in that sense. I'm currently working on the sequel to this story and 7 chapters in and I'm stuck. Like I know where I'm going with it but I need to fill up some space before that bit happens but I don't wanna just do boring things. I don't know, I'm at a loss. And I also have a bunch of other Michael fics I'm working on that have all hit a wall at some stage or another. So if anyone wants to volunteer as tribute, I'd love you foreverrrrr.


After their declarations to one another, Michael with his declaration of love and Amy admitting she cares about him, the pair laid in bed with one another for hours. They switched between just snuggling together and making out like the pair of teenagers they were. But their hands never did more than light groping through clothes. It wasn't lust they were trying to sate this time, it was their hearts. Amy finally felt free and unburdened, being able to kiss him like this, to let herself be close with him without worrying she was leading him on. Without being scared of what might happen. It was liberating really. She had finally unlocked the chains that had been weighing her down and now she could just go for it.

After she fell asleep, Michael watched her for a long while. He had so many emotions running through him, it was hard to pinpoint what he was feeling. He'd finally gotten her to admit she felt something, which was an accomplishment in itself. He knew she wouldn't say she loved him back, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. But knowing she cared more than a friend was more than what he could have hoped for. Now he finally had her, just as he had been wanting all this time. But as he lay facing her, his blue eyes taking in the magnificent sight that was his lover, he couldn't help but feel the anger creeping in. She had almost left to see that boy. The one who she had run off to so many times before. It had shocked him so much to walk in here and find her about to go out that his dark side had reared its ugly head and he had to stuff it back down. The darkness had been coming back when they were together, but even that part of him knew how special she was, how she was like a precious gem that needed to be looked after. And after his angry tantrum last time, he managed to behave himself even when he was in his dark state. But knowing she was about to leave and have someone else touch her, if he hadn't stuffed his darkness way down he worried he would have throttled her.

He wasn't really mad at her. He'd been into the darkest parts of her and he knew why she sought that kind of pleasure. He knew there was a reason behind it. But it didn't mean he had to like the fact that some asshole had once laid his hands on her in that way. Michael's only experience was her. He didn't care, he'd never wanted another person to touch him before. But he knew she was far from unblemished. He'd overheard comments from Coco and he knew that Ryan hadn't been her only lover. She had tried to fill the void in her heart by sleeping with whoever, but in his mind, she didn't need to do that now because she had him. It felt like such a smack in the face to know she was about to go out and seek the guy out. Part of him feared she would do so again in the future. He wasn't concerned about her feelings for Ryan. He knew she didn't care about him in that way. But it did bother him that they were close friends. That they had fucked. Something which she hadn't done with him.

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