Part 10

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Lil bit of angst anyone? Looool

I'd love some feedback on what you guys are thinking so far. Please talk to meeee!! <3


The first thing Amy noticed when she woke was there were no cramps. She felt the relief sweep through her body. It was always strange. One day she would be bleeding badly and hurting, the next she could be her normal self. Like someone had clicked their fingers and her pain had vanished in an instant and her hormones were normal. But now, in the cold light of day, as she lay in her bed that still smelled of Michael even though he'd gone to class, dread settled in her stomach. She couldn't believe what she'd done. She'd crossed the line with him she shouldn't have crossed. She knew he depended on her in a weird way. She knew this would mean more to him than it did to her. She was just a mess and needed solace in someone's arms and he had been willing to give it to her. Her raging hormones had reduced her to give in to her desires and now she wanted to go back in time and punch herself.

She sat up in bed, glancing over at his bed that he hadn't slept in. They'd been sleeping in her bed. Like lovers. She cringed to herself. She'd fucking been intimate with him, that wasn't so bad. It wasn't like she didn't have sex with friends all the fucking time. But she'd kissed him. She never kissed Ryan. It was a boundary she'd set in place because it felt far too intimate and like a relationship, just like sharing a bed. Both things she'd done without a second thought with Michael until now. She needed to fucking fix it before it got out of hand. She needed to create some distance again. Fuck her and her hormonal self.

It was just past 10 am and she decided to get up and go to class. Despite the anxiety over the Michael thing, she didn't want to miss more classes. She felt better now so she figured she might as well go. She got dressed in high waisted black jeans and a cropped hoodie, brushing her hair for the first time in a week. It hurt like a bitch but she managed to tame the tangles and left it down. She slipped on her boots and made her way downstairs. It was potion craft today and everyone was sat around the large classroom with their herbs at the ready. When she walked in, she inwardly cringed at all eyes on her. Most people were sympathetic to her condition but it always felt like being the new girl back in school each time she came back. She noticed Mallory though who grinned at her and it made her relax slightly.

"Amy! I'm glad you feel better. Take your seat," Zoe smiled warmly at her, her eyes brightening at seeing her in class again.

Amy nodded and kept her head down as she walked over to her usual seat. The benches fit two people on and of course, Michael was sitting at it. They'd be paired up as usual. She wondered who he'd been working with since she had been laid up in bed. As she sat down, he beamed a grin at her. Such a bright grin with his shiny blue eyes. That grin had made her melt into a puddle this past week, but now it only made the guilt swell and eat her alive.

"You're here," he smiled brightly, looking relieved. She gave him a tight smile and nodded, not knowing how to handle the situation. It was almost like she was two people. There was the clingy, needy, over emotional horny bitch when her period was around, and then the cold distant girl she was usually. She caught how his face fell a little by her coldness and he watched her confused but she glared ahead as Zoe started the class.

She was listening to Zoe's instructions when she jumped, feeling a hand caress her hair. She looked at Michael with wide eyes and he looked so sad.

"Are you okay?" he whispered so no one heard. She swallowed thickly. Damn him and his sad shiny eyes. She felt like she was kicking a puppy.

"Just tired," she lied, a weak smile on her lips. He didn't buy it though as he stared at her looking concerned and she turned away. His gaze was too heavy for her to hold. She felt eyes on her and noticed Jessica and her sister glaring over at them, seeing Michael stroking her hair. It only made her feel more awkward as she shifted away from him a little. It was only a small amount but he noticed. He tensed up and looked at her warily but she ignored it. She needed to make distance between them but she was too much of a chicken shit to outright tell him. She didn't want him to go crying on her.

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