Part 4

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Me : I'm gonna take a break from my Michael stories that are plot-heavy. Maybe I'll make a short fic that's mainly smut.

Also me: Let's make them bond... you know what this fic needs? Some plot!

Loooool I don't know why I'm so surprised. Freewriting is a trip. I'm always shocked with what comes out of me.


When Amy pushed open their door, she walked in and stood stock still in shock. Michael was hovering a few inches off the bed. His eyes were closed and his legs were crossed. But what shocked her was how cold the room had gotten. She could see her own breath and everything was frosty. She felt something tickle her face and looked up to see snow falling from the ceiling. She was in complete awe. She'd never seen anyone do this before, it was crazy. A large smile made its way onto her face as she held her hand out, catching a tiny snowflake in her palm.

"Fuck, this is amazing," she whispered. In a blink of an eye, Michael fell back to the bed as his eyes opened in shock and the room went back to normal. As if it hadn't just been freezing cold. She was still smiling and looking at him in complete wonder. It was a look that seemed to throw him off as he looked at her and didn't say anything.

She shut the bedroom door and walked more into the room, now suddenly feeling awkward about checking on him.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. He frowned, looking down at his hands and she walked over to his bed and sat at the end of it.

"I don't belong here," he muttered tensely. At least he wasn't crying this time. Yet at least.

"Listen to me. Those bitches had no right to say that shit about you. They get off on others failing and making themselves look good. You shouldn't buy into it," she said firmly. He looked at her for a moment, his shiny blue eyes feeling like they were seeing into the very depths of her. He shook his head, his frown deepening as he looked back at his hands. Amy pursed her lips, moving to cross her own legs as she faced him fully. She took his hand, shocking him as his eyes snapped up to hers.

"You do belong here. You have magic in you just like the rest of us. Yes, you have to work twice as hard because your magic is different, but guess what? That makes you even more special. You're here Michael. Cordelia gave you a chance to turn your life around, and look at you! You're here, you accepted and you're trying to be a better person. I know you've done bad shit and I know you've been through a lot. But you're still standing. And the fact you're here and you're trying, that says a lot to me," she insisted. His eyes widened, cheeks flushing a little as he looked like he was trying to digest her words. She had shocked herself by how confident she sounded if she was honest. But on her way here she had decided she wanted to help him. To be there for him. Yes, he had his issues and no, she didn't fully trust him. But he had shown her in the small amount of time he was here that he wasn't all bad. That he deserved a chance.

"I... thank you," he whispered, tearing up as he looked at her like her words meant all the world to him.

"Oh fuck, please don't cry," she panicked as she stared at him. He laughed and shook his head as he blushed even harder and looked down.

"Sorry. I can't help it. You're just... you're such a good person. It means a lot knowing you think I should be here," he flashed her a watery smile and she felt the weird urge to hug him. Of course, she didn't though. She smiled at him. Patting his hand softly before withdrawing it.

"So... the whole snow thing was awesome. I bet you can do all kinds of awesome shit that we can't do," she said, her eyes glittering with curiosity. He perked up then, sitting up straighter with a grin.

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