Part 21

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The structure of this chapter is kind of different but it's just the way it came out of me. Kind of a filler but not really? I don't know. Important shit happens but its not dramatic or anything. Have some fluff. Consider it the calm before some storms looool

Also, I just wanna point out that I mention her period being irregular and her waiting for it, but to clear things up; she's not pregnant :') I know some of you might think it's hinting that way but it's not. I felt like I wanted to get that out there in case people got their hopes up lololol


What Amy would consider as their crazy and kind of kinky make-up sex happened on a Monday. Once she had been calm after being with him, she couldn't believe her own behaviour. That she had used her magic to choke someone just because they touched him. It was just another thing to remind her how serious this was. It wasn't like any other time she'd been with someone. It felt serious. But this time as her brain digested this, it didn't scare her as much as it once did. She often found herself watching his peaceful sleeping face. The face of an angel that held such sin inside. And she wondered if maybe, just maybe, she had been waiting for him all along and that's why she'd never wanted anything serious with someone else. It was cheesy, and she'd cringe once those thoughts entered her mind. But they'd pop back in when she took in his beautiful features. His perfect smile and his ocean blue eyes. It felt like something shifted with them after her very jealous and territorial outburst. The first time she'd declared to everyone he was hers. The first time she'd ever uttered the word boyfriend in that context. Something changed and the week that followed their make up sex only added to the feeling.


They'd had no classes that day and she had been fast asleep in bed, knowing she didn't have to get up early. They always took those days to lounge in bed for much longer than they usually did. But when she woke up, Michael wasn't there. She had been more than confused. He never went anywhere without her. But as she sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily, their bedroom door opened.

Michael had been dressed and he was holding two trays of something in his hand. She tilted her head, brain still foggy with sleep and she stifled a yawn with her hands. But her insides melted when he graced her with that beautiful bright smile of his.

"Where did you go?" she asked. Curiosity laced her voice as he walked over and perched on the bed in front of her.

"Breakfast," he smirked, handing her one of the trays. She blinked at him before her eyes looked down at the tray and she opened it. There were a couple of waffles and a scoop of ice cream on them. Her throat felt dry and she looked back at him then. His tray was on the bed as he pulled his shoes off.

"You went to the waffle house for us?" she asked softly. He looked at her somewhat shy as his cheeks flushed and he smiled.

"I know you like it there. I thought you'd like breakfast in bed," he told her. It made her chest constrict as she looked at the sweet boy before her. The one who was supposed to end the world. The world that didn't deserve a boy like Michael Langdon.

She did like breakfast in bed and that's just what they had done. He had got back in bed with her as they ate side by side and she was still dumbstruck that the socially awkward boy that hated leaving her side had done so just so she could eat her favourite food without having to get up.


She had been busy studying protection spells that they'd gone over in Zoe's class that night. Michael hadn't seemed all too concerned with them but she loved to learn. The day had been a good one. Jessica and her sister hadn't been around and then she heard from Mallory and Coco that after Cordelia had words with her over her behaviour with Michael, Jessica had thrown a fit which resulted in her being temporarily being suspended from the academy. Amy was pleased she wouldn't be around for a while. She was tired of her sniffing around what was hers. She had sat on their bed as he watched her reading and taking notes and at one point he went into the bathroom. She was too preoccupied to wonder what he was doing or why he was in there a while. But after some time he came back in, hovering near the door. She felt his eyes on her and looked up, quirking a brow as he shifted on the spot.

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