Part 16

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When Amy woke the next morning, she jumped out of her skin. Michael was lay facing her just inches away, wide awake. His eyes lit up seeing she was awake as she closed her eyes and tried to compose herself.

"Jesus fuck Michael!" she spluttered, a hand going over her rapidly beating heart. How long had he just been right there staring at her sleeping? His bright smile calmed her nerves though, all boyish and sweet. She couldn't stay mad at him for long.

"Sorry. You're just so pretty when you sleep," he admitted shyly as his cheeks flushed pink. Why did he have to be so damn cute?

"Are you saying I'm not pretty when I'm awake?" she asked with a wry smile. His eyes widened then looking panicked.

"What? No! You're pretty all the time! I just meant that-" he started, looking so horrified with himself. She burst out laughing and he shut up, looking at her confused.

"I'm kidding. Stop being so cute. It's too early for this shit," she snorted. She snuggled into his chest and he beamed a smile as he willingly wrapped his arms around her, fingers stroking the skin of her shoulder blades.

It was nice to lay here with him like this. She'd missed sharing a bed with him. Once again, she felt liberated. Being able to just be with him and damn the consequences. She cared about him. She had finally admitted it. Maybe she would never be capable of love but he was happy to just take her as she was, and that made her happy. She glanced to the clock and heaved a sigh. It was ironic. Once upon a time the boy was concerned with breakfast and how she never ate it. Now he opted for forgoing breakfast to just to spend more time with her. Maybe she was a bad influence.

"I gotta get up, I have history," she said softly. He moved away to look at her and frowned.

"But we don't have classes today," he muttered confused. She sat up and rolled her shoulders a little and he sat up too.

"I know but Myrtles giving me a private history lesson. I've still got shit to catch up on," she gave him a little smile but she knew what was coming.

"Can I come?" he asked with his shiny hopeful eyes.

"I think... maybe you should just stay here. Maybe talk to people. You know, make friends?" she suggested hesitantly. He scrunched his face up like she just asked him to lick a toilet.

"Friends? But I have you," he said quietly. It made her heart squeeze. Why did he have to be so fucking sweet? She could barely handle it.

She heaved a sigh and she shifted to face him more, taking his hand in hers.

"Look, if we're doing... this, then we need to do it right. We can't just keep locking ourselves away. We need to interact with people. Still have lives. It's not healthy like this," she looked at him imploringly, hoping he wouldn't argue. It was hard enough admitting how she felt and going along with this, but she didn't want to fuck it up yet again. She knew what they had been doing was going to lead them down a path of destruction. It would only become toxic if they cased themselves in a bubble and isolated themselves. He watched her for a long while and she stayed silent, watching as he processed her words. She could tell he didn't like it but she hoped he would understand.

"I guess," he muttered petulantly. She felt relief sweep through her that there were no waterworks or tantrums this time. She just wanted this whole thing to feel somewhat normal. Not like she was shacking up with the Antichrist who had serious attachment issues.

"Maybe you should go and spend some time with Mallory and Coco?" she suggested softly as her thumb stroked his palm. His eyes were drawn to the movement and he nibbled his lip.

Give Me Love --- Michael Langdon [[Book One Complete]]Where stories live. Discover now